Monsters that need buffs (input needed)

Haha not saying it’s the perfect solution but it’s meant to be a hard counter to shields. It can’t get kills for the first 200s of it being on the battlefield unless an enemy is shielded or on very low HP. Once it gets a kill it has 130TU or 160TU piercing sweeping… great but not OP. It’s nothing like Magma with the design, only in the similar passives and finishing “bite”.

Magma is already on steroids lol

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Btw just taken another pass on it and decided to replace hold ground with roaring entrance. The high speed is to make it a proper counter and stun immunity to keep it a threat and there to break shields when needed.

I designed it when Dusicyon was going to start dominating. Piercing moves have kept Dusicyon in check this last year but we are seeing her rise again now that everyone is getting her from the shop.

I didn’t know we were assuming Dusicyon’s gender now.

No assumption necessary when you witness that beauty.




Tiamasus quadri-poison punch lol

Duscy either needs a health reduction or defence reduction. Usually monsters which tank moves have no HG or shield like Tago, Magga, stag etc. This thing has a shield and HG, but still seems to tank moves on full health to stop it going to HG. Sometimes it takes 4 attacks. Craaaazy. (Before anyone kicks off, I have one!)

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Venom shield break would be almost useless in a poison team since you want auto poison on most of the time.


Yeah but it would target six so duscy is never safe :japanese_ogre:


Heavenswyrm also need a rework, since Willoyrm look almost similar, if not better, to it with the addition of stun absorber and low cost.

May be changing stun flash to stun wave or purifying must will do.
Or give it Harden Carapace as second passive.

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Give it stun immune

I think this was a suggestion I or someone else wrote before. I think it fits perfectly for Heavenswyrm.

EDIT: Found it. Yup I wrote it three months back… Zard's opinion on things that need a buff. - #9 by Killerdog

Ironically your ideas are practically identical to what I wrote back then :wink:


That thread you linked has a lot of good suggestions.

And purifying light seems more useful. Something should be done about Heavenswyrm, because a SE should not overshadow a legendary.


I think Heavens should be looked at. I love it’s SS but that’s about it


Next time quote your source material for your suggestions. AKA Killerdog :rofl:

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Tbh it’s cool if he came up with almost identical ideas to my own by himself! @Ezili For the record, I have no issue with people suggesting stuff I’ve said. It’s always good to see people agreeing on stuff.

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Lunalord should have Auto Protect and Sunlord could have SOLO Load Mortar. Sunlord is very weak, so when it uses Load Mortar, it gets easily killed before using its attack. Rexotyrant could have Hold Ground.
Virabbit, my favorite SE… It could have Stun Flash replacing Counter Strike.

Sunlord getting solo load mortar would be a nerf more than a buff, it would be more ideal to make his mortar moves raw so he can hit the target he wants

You’re right, i didn’t think about that.