Monsters come with only certain ranks?

I was wondering if some monsters can only come in certain ranks and lower. I have been trying to catch a rank A or B squallfox for a little bit now, and can only seem to find him at C as the highest, but I’ve found them in lower ranks as well. There was another one I had the same issue with but I can’t seem to remember it.

So basically, do some only come in certain ranks and lower?

And if not, is there an easier way to catch a rank A or B squallfox?

No, all monsters come in all grades. But the higher grades are more rare (S being around 1%). And I’m surprised you’re not looking for an S, which is better than A :).

Also, I’m going to move this to the FAQ section. Objective game questions should be asked there (ones that are not opinion-based). 

Nope, I was able to catch S Squallfox yesterday.

In fact, a few players here are doing S rank ark challenge. I’ve probably only haven’t seen 5 arks that are not S rank (which I am still looking for)

They are just much rarer…

Thank you, this one is just being annoying then I guess. And yes while S are better than A, squallfox likes to die by stunning so I wouldn’t really want to find an S then have it faint in front of me. 

When you see higher grade, just use stormfoxes & reijins to flash bombs it then use very weak ark to slowly reduce its hp…

So this is how I would do

Lvl 99 aoe ark that can attack 2 arks only too eg arkwing

Metallodious so it can help escaping





< level 10 ark

Kill the other 2 arks using ARkwing’s tail attack then Once the ark you want to catch’s tU is like 600+, use watervoid on metallodious, maybe have 2 very low level arks attacking it…