I’m a fairly new player and I see all you guys talking about the hatchlings and when I go to the spot it doesn’t trigger anything no battles or anything it’s like that for the map all before the desert is. Does this change with post game or did I break it
I’m a fairly new player and I see all you guys talking about the hatchlings and when I go to the spot it doesn’t trigger anything no battles or anything it’s like that for the map all before the desert is. Does this change with post game or did I break it
Your arkadions are probably too high a level to trigger random battles. Tap on the spot again and you’ll trigger one.
^ yep ! Dave is right
Ok didn’t know that thank ya
Ok sweet… Got a couple hatchlings now they always come with a certain rank I got my first one was an A and another was a E since there rare I didn’t know if leafy comes standard as an e or if I can get a better one
Wow, awesome!
Hatchlings are really hard to get so, unless you want it for a really good team, I say just stay with E. Otherwise you can aim higher. Grade doesn’t affect its stats or power, it just makes it more likely to score bonus hits. And an S is shiny.
That means if you like shiny things like me, S is a must-get
that sounds delicious omc