Last bite

Last bite needs a nerf, before you start complaining read.

Okay this ability is just waaaayyy to OP, really this requiers no strategy at all, just get some stun bombers and you are set, you can get higher than anyone in the UC ((exept sleepers (bye artra nebel)) and really creating a awesome strategy won’t get you as far as some free monsters and a last biter, you can also complete survival of the fittest with this dumb strategy. A rank 45 with his last bitter can literaly beat a free to play rank 100 with no last bitter (like me), i mean i have been playing for like 5-6 months and have multiple strategys, and the most i can get is 100 in the UC and 90+ in survival of the fittest, but a guy with a ultra evolved pinguini or dragia will just get more stuff than me, fuc*ing awesome.
This needs a nerf know, something like “can just heal 7 times after first use”, that way it would be usefull but it won’t wipe out a entier team.

Your points on this subject are very valid mate but I made a thread a while back highlighting the same issues and the idiots who run this thing closed it down. Hope this stays open and people read what you have to say

Yea, i remember that thread

I have Dragaia and it really ruins alot of the game aspects since it needs no strategy and really feels like cheap design.

Then again without last bite they would need to tune alot of the events/buffs right now.

Ok now im go playin hello kitty online.

everywhere only whiners…

TT too op…

zibel kong too op…

last biters too op…

stop that, its anoying

Last bite needs a nerf, before you start complaining read.

Okay this ability is just waaaayyy to OP, really this requiers no strategy at all, just get some stun bombers and you are set, you can get higher than anyone in the UC ((exept sleepers (bye artra nebel)) and really creating a awesome strategy won’t get you as far as some free monsters and a last biter, you can also complete survival of the fittest with this dumb strategy. A rank 45 with his last bitter can literaly beat a free to play rank 100 with no last bitter (like me), i mean i have been playing for like 5-6 months and have multiple strategys, and the most i can get is 100 in the UC and 90+ in survival of the fittest, but a guy with a ultra evolved pinguini or dragia will just get more stuff than me, fuc*ing awesome.
This needs a nerf know, something like “can just heal 7 times after first use”, that way it would be usefull but it won’t wipe out a entier team.

Yes let’s nerf Last Bite because it’s the only monster that can help people who do not spend a SHITTON of cash to get anywhere in events. and instead let’s give the Last Bite monsters a different cool move like teamturn to make them more in line with Lavaronix and Mecha.

In case you did not realise it… My post is fully of irony. They reason this topic and similar topics were closed down last time is because developers and the biggest core of players agree last bite is just fine where it is currently as a niche move to 2 monsters helping out free-to-play players to get somewhere in events that would actually be deemed impossible without having 5 core hard to obtain monsters.

As I posted on the beginners guide it’s possible for everyone to obtain a penguini or dragaia at the start of the game if you put some time and effort into it. Ofcourse for some of you it’s too late but just because you don’t have a monster does not mean it needs nerfing.

Im waiting them nerfing remus lol

Closing this thread as I just see dumb comments and very little thought out in why some monsters are nerfed and other buffs

Are you going to post this thread if you have a last biter?

Considering everyone can start the game by rerolling for him, and there are anti last bite teams placed in the events he is fine. I do not care either way though as I never use Don anymore

pretty much any viable strategy can easily take you out if you’re not prepared for it. If you build your team with a specific strategy counter in mind, you should have no problem with it. Last bite is no different. Bring a few poisoners, bring sleepers, bring a dreamy enterance, life filp yourself to 1 so he doesn’t recover hp, and above all else, don’t let him be the only one left. Take it from me; if the other person knows what he’s doing, there’s very little hope for that lonely little guy.

In pvp he is fine, but in other events it’s just too damn good, someone like me that has been playing for 6 months gets a lower rank in a event than someone with just one of this 2 monsters.

I don’t think rank in certain events should call for a nerf, mostly cuz it’s probs not enough to get in the top ranks, and it’s not enough to drop you entire ranks at the lower ranks that have like 300 people per rank award. 

Also, this game is all about luck and strategy using what you have. Like, Hidan is easily gonna do better than me with a sleep team in UC cuz I don’t have that, and I’m at a huge disadvantage in buffed events with part of my team being assisted, and my other main team being mostly assisted

Anyway, it is possible to start out with the last biter with some time put in restarting the game

Im not saying he needs to become a ■■■■ monster, im just saying that he shoudn’t be avaible to beat enitr teams, he should be avaible to save a game or so but destroy a team with buffs its just too much :+1:

If you take away last bite you will need to clear retreat as well cause it doesn’t make sense to have.

I’m not using him as a last biter anymore so any change to those two skills would help me greatly but I think for non paying players he is one of the few free legends that can be a powerhouse on its own.

Take away that and free to play players will need a lot of luck to even compete in an event


As i sayid earlier, last bite shoud just heal like 10 or less times

Well do whatever… like I said earlier it will not affect me. But basically you want to see it nerfed cause you’re being beat as someone that plays longer compared to a noob that just came in and happened to get penguini…

Does not really sound fair imo… you know someone that gets extremely lucky n rolls 10 legends in his first 10 rolls would also beat you if you were F2P and only had one legend.

I wonder if you’d be complaining about it if you had one yourself?

last biters can be easily beaten, they often come in the end and then you only need to put your focus on him so he dont stay alone, and done. Every player that is above rank 40 can beat him without problem. I have him too and i see alot of players that can take him down without problems even if he stays alone, if you have set up any other strategy (poison, sleep or bloodcrave or something) you dont have problems. I can only imagine problems when some just attacks all

This thread is not for PvP obv vs a player a last biter won´t kill the entire team highly unlikely he will even get 1 kill unless it´s AT, it´s about PvE events.

The AI still ignores your last biter and kills everything around him for you.

Or the devs could put an anti last bite level like in DC?