secret skill for God Father / Dragia

This topic may be be the best or worst but Dev please think about there secret skill
may be it be a killer entrance … ( when they entrance in battlefield all teammate die)
they have most powerful attack last bite as begenging legendary and team killer power
positive : last bite active vastly
negetive: can’t use in middle of team only as Fl or last bite
.shere our thoughts

Last biters dont need secret skill they are great the way they are now…your sugestion is way too op

they need nothing,tons of other mons needed secret skills but not the last biters 

i defeated many time the last biters  :smiley:

Agree,some suggested giving him purify as secret skill and I said this will make him too op and now this idea?!come one,imagine only one thing,they put stun revenge monster near him and what will happen?!
I don’t think this is a good idea buddy

ya because they are like potatoes in pvp :smiley: unless you run an assisted team

What you are suggesting is not secret skill but passive skill…and I think that is not needed to improve last biters because they are already too good.

I suggested one time instant purify for autopoisoners and poison in general (when you can’t retreat). But they don’t really need one.

They shud get a secret skill that will kill all teammates on the field

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that would be way too powerful, send them in last, kill all teammates, instant last bite aka instant sweep

They are great for pve, but for pvp they are less then useless.
Maybe a secret skill which allow last bite one time without being alone. Can use after 100 sec.

Last biters worth 0 in PvP
Would be smart giving them a backstap secret skill maybe

make it 1 sec cost :slightly_smiling_face:

This actually might be a good thing. 1. Think about how much of a risk last bite is. It is the last monster on your team. It dies and you lose.

  1. The answer would be knockback. Knock back a few Other monsters and they will have problems.

  2. The cost is adjustable. If it really would be that powerful, then make it 20 cost after you unlock said skill.

  3. Endgames would have to figure out how to deal with a nearly immortal sweeper. Which could make endgames way more interesting.

  4. Overtime would happen more often.

  5. Plussed biters would matter in pvp all the sudden.

but please do it without activating the passives of the backstabbed teammates

Nearly everyone has a last biter. What’s the point of sweeping someone if they are going to come back and sweep nearly a whole team from nothing? A mon like that shouldn’t even be 100 cost because you can hardly lose if last bite is active.

You can have crono killers/protector killers+stun bombers on a whole team followed by last bite. Stun everything and then kill off the crono/protector killers with the last biter’s SS.

exactly, I have dragaia and I really don’t like the idea of this, it makes him the only monster to have to win anytime

I think last biter are good enought even on PVP they are not useless when used at assisted FL can do some real damage…and with proper setup can (with some luck) bite at the end…
100% useless is warca/bazil no matter the team you use they will be dead in less then 200sec…they real need something

I have both last biters and this is pretty op. Would I like to use them in PvP more sure. But I don’t cause any monkey knows how to handle them. There should be a way to make them more useful.

Warca needs help! But the last biters are already awesome.