Island Challenge (Opinion)

This was discussed in a forum a few years ago, but I would like to address this again. As you can see in the title, it’s about the Island Challenge and I really can’t stand this challenge. It’s so damn boring and drags on for days. The main points I criticize are the tickets and the monsters. 6 tickets are definitely not enough. I don’t know what the meaning behind it is, but for this challenge you have to log in as a player several times a day in order to progress and that is certainly hardly possible for some in their everyday life. As for the monsters, that’s why this challenge is so boring and annoying. At the beginning you get monsters to choose from that are completely unnecessary and then you have them on your neck for at least the next few days, only towards the end of the challenge you get monsters that you can really do something with. Yes, this is about developing a “strategy” with simple monsters, but when choosing one you very often get the same monsters. You have the opportunity to change the selection 10 times, but you don’t want to waste it on 3 or 4 star monsters.

Am I the only one who sees it that way?


The tickets is something I hate too… only 4 hours until they max is not enough. I think it would be a lot better to have max 12 tickets so it takes 8 hours to fill up.

As for the monsters… I like that it’s the one place in the game we use the 0-4* monsters. I like the variety in PvE content and so I generally accept Island Challenge for what it is. However, maybe the focus should be a bit more on 0-5* monsters for the first 2-3 days (i.e. we get a few more 5* monsters). This will give us more strategies and things to build around.


When choosing a monster, you should at least offer a selection in which the player can decide from the beginning which strategy he would like to build. For example, if I have 1 AP and 2 stun absorbers in the first selection and practically the same in the next selection, then this is either a random principle that should be turned off, or an algorithm that makes no sense.

It is a nice event and a good change of pace. Is it perfect? No, but what is?


My last favorite recurring event. Absolutely hate the RNG that goes into this challenge.

Which mythic to choose - Auraleus or NaganDia? Worst mythics. I don’t even have redrafts.

Start us with epics and up @Dev_VKC

Tickets are my only concern with the event. A 8-hour refill interval would be much better. Otherwise it’s probably my favourite event because I get to use monsters I don’t have. I try to pick different monsters each time for my Legendaries and Mythics but inevitably (but also ideally) the rest will usually be stun revenge cloners and mirror revenge monsters.

Balancion and IC are those events you need to play every day, which I dislike. Sometimes it does feel forced if I want the rewards but am not in the mood to play. But hey in the end nobody forces you to play if you don’t want to. At least the good reward makes it worthwhile when there is one.

Btw this one is great even against buffed enemies as long as it doesn’t die too fast. Definitely a great pick for IC!


I hate it, i just collect the new monster and stop playing


Best event in the game, the only issue I have is that it gives too much space to 0-4★ monsters.

They basically come in batches of monsters with the same moveset and the teams you’re gonna see are always the same, we already have PvP for that! They should give out less 0-3★ monsters and more 4-5★ monsters instead


i like IC for one reason. it makes you think.

normally i like to use sort of unconventional strategies when i play both pve and pvp. i tend to like using SE’s more than mythics and leggys and enjoy it more when i can beat s-tier monsters with c-tier ones using the right strategy. albeit with limited success. however there are still a ton of monsters in the game that i have never used that always offer me a different approach. i love island challenge because it forces me to use monsters and strategies I’ve not used before.

the first draws i had were horrible for me this time around. i had no idea what strategy i was going to implement and found myself relying largely upon a couple of monsters that weren’t even 3☆ ranked. (wickerchap and twiggy) in a strange combo with AS shock.
to my surprise it was surprisingly effective.
this got me thinking more about the ways i could combo step back, sendback and switch ally in general and i have since been playing around with a new formation in PvE which implements their use. it’s quite fun.
i might never have thought of such a combo had i not been forced to do so. for this reason i am a fan of island challenge.
(though more rewards in the latter stages would be nice!)

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Island challenge is one my favorite events, but the early rng can be brutal.

While we’re on the topic of IC, why do you have to “Enter” The Island for this event. I think there is a better English Verb that you could use here @Dev_VKC

I’m sure some English or Welsh slag has something to add here

if you DIDN’T enter the island - then it would just be called “challenge”…no? :thinking::upside_down_face:

I am combining this with ankoudragon. It’s working well. I’m actually liking idea of island challenge but I cannot login every 4 hours. It’s too much effort and who has that much time??

At least it’s 5-10 mins for 6 battles.

im not going to lie, i really love this event, and my issue is also the same here, its ubiquitous, the talk of tickets, but I would also like if they could extend it’s duration, i barely get to play twice a day, with work schedules and all, plus my phone is off the record, so i normally play before and after work on my PC
other than that its awesome, btw was expecting showdown tower next, but whales is awesome too

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It has been long time since whales came. Every other event has been done at least once since previous whales event. Whales event is too infrequent and I need it to farm gems and legendary potions.


I love whales but they should change bosses at least once 6 months.
Showdown towers too


No, this is wrong. Whale’s Treasure is part of the normal rotation as one of the events which comes more frequently. It has come exactly on time