How do you feel about IC? (Poll)

  • Love it
  • Like it
  • Don’t mind it
  • Dislike it
  • Utterly despise it

0 voters

We get it @Woodward, you hate IC.


Was this really needed? We get it, you don’t like IC. You don’t need a whole poll. That being said…

I like island challenge because it is fair. Sure, you may get some bad rng, but given that you are allowed to choose between 3 monsters each choice, and that you pick mythics, awakened mythics, and legendaries multiple times, the odds that you will not get any good high star level monsters is very low. Meanwhile, the odds the average player will never get an awakened mythic is comparatively high. Sure, you may be at a disadvantage due to having bad monsters, but at least you had access to monsters of the same rarity as everyone else. All of Neo is very rng dependent. You just didn’t notice because, over a few years of playing, that rng evens out.

In the other thread, you complained that you couldn’t get all of the drafts and were disadvantaged as a result. While I do think that there should be some system to mitigate this(maybe if you miss a draft, you get to choose between the three most rare monsters that were available during that draft or something), awakened mythics and legendaries are available during times where most people will be available. Plus, they only happen every few hours. You should probably be able to get the majority of them the majority of the time. If, for whatever reason, you can’t, then I’m sorry, but most people should get most drafts just fine.

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I just wanted to see the general consensus on it that’s all. I can’t be the only one

You’re not @Woodward i despise it with a passion. It’s so boring for so long

This IC was so unlucky for me

i generally like the event.
(Tips: i just choose some monster with blood moves and always reach lv 300)

but what i notice about the event is this.
BIG majority of top 100 in IC is some player that i never met in pvp
and i assumed they are newer player because 4 of them is in my friend request and their level is under 50.
It’s different with the events where you using your current monsters (Uc, whales, etc) where the big majority of top 100 is someone that i often met in pvp

my point is, i think we have a lot of great players but they are not in top pvp because they don’t have enough monsters and they are shining in IC


If they’re under lvl 50 they couldn’t have enough experience to know every monster and how to be good at ic. They probably use a hacked client and haven’t been banned yet


agree so many cheater in IC.they use dumb toxic team like scorpiogeist ,volcavenus and the myth is gorgowing

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It’s kinda a big accusation to say that someone is hacking simply because they are skilled at the game and under lv. 50. Maybe they got a really lucky team. Maybe they just spent a lot of time considering moveset. Maybe they are just really skilled for their level. My alt is under lv. 50, but it frequents the top 100 in IC

Yeah, the only good basis to know if an account is ban-worthy is the team. I see teams full of unevolved poison monsters, which really can’t take you far AT ALL during this event, which makes it clear they’re hacking.


You have so little faith in these new players!

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