Dividing monsters unequally in island challenge and increasing opponent powers.

I am at 146 lvl in the new island challenge event. I got only 3 monsters with 4 stars. Most of them are shit. Other opponents got 4 star and 5 star monsters. And their power exceeded to maximum. I even can’t dreamhunt fully. Moreover the same monster in opponent stash give me more damage than I give him. If you don’t want us to win then please don’t give us trust of winning rewards. I thought this game is based on strategy but now I think it is based on Partiality. The two events newly launched are shit. At least I know legendary monsters are rare I won’t get that but least you shouldn’t do such things. Like increasing monsters ability. We like to achieve things but if we try hard and get failed over and over again we would not waste time playing this shitty game. And waste our internet + money on gems

I am at 146 lvl in the new island challenge event. I got only 3 monsters with 4 stars. Most of them are ****. Other opponents got 4 star and 5 star monsters. And their power exceeded to maximum. I even can’t dreamhunt fully. Moreover the same monster in opponent stash give me more damage than I give him. If you don’t want us to win then please don’t give us trust of winning rewards. I thought this game is based on strategy but now I think it is based on Partiality. The two events newly launched are ****. At least I know legendary monsters are rare I won’t get that but least you shouldn’t do such things. Like increasing monsters ability. We like to achieve things but if we try hard and get failed over and over again we would not waste time playing this lovely game. And waste our internet + money on gems

As far as I know there are limited perfect monster,some good and most are weak.you must act fast to get the best,stay aware and draft as soon as time get 00:00:00
About batteling problem,that called “buff system” and I know as soon as you reach level 120 it come to “buff” your opponent. After this level,I don’t know,maybe there is another for higher level,from 120 you need strategy+good monster.
Remember this,system will offer you monster,in a logically way,you choose one type,it gives you like it in the future,so choose wisely and don’t loose hope,you got the monster,all you need is to make a good lineup and a good strategy.
I’m at level 271 with sleep and timestrik strategy,forging a backup help me fight with good opponent too.hope you find good Mon.I’m somehow tired of this event and waiting for another UC or dc .
Have fun

I get far fast but my second account which is way behind gets the SE while i only get epic. Fuck IC stopping now.

They release the leg monster,hope it help you to get SE soon.
Have fun