if devs made gems more readily avilable so newbs may catch up. then would you older player feel betrayed or are you guys fine with it?

Was just curious

The whole point of this game is slowly building your collection. Giving everyone too many gems too quickly would ruin that.

The amount of gems we get seems to be always increasing slowly on pace with the amount of monsters out there, and I think that’s a good system.


The rng is complete ■■■■ anyway.
I doubt tons of gems would help.

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You could have discussed this in your previous thread, no need to make a new one…

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I am fine and support that. There are many new players who are not patient enough because of the game mechanics .thus, facilitating their development is very good . if you have a lot of extra acc. You will feel this advantage clearly. Dev made a very precise decision


Ok understand about that. But maybe they can have different currency system or event where you have decent chance getting SE. this way can enjoys slowly building their collection of legends,mythic while having good collection of se mons that can synergize them

Many mythics and legedary have very specific requirements. Ex I had limited collection of epic ,super epic.from I build a decent team of poison.
Then the only legendary I hatch is a full on sleep monster. I can adjust him in team somehow but still if I had egg pack or event where I had higher chance of SE mons then that would have been better (it’s no problem if that event have low chance of getting mythics and legendary)

I rather hav 3 se in rolls than 2se and 8epics

I will even be happy with ticket system for epic or sE. Or maybe some monster recycling system. Where by sacrificing given no of epic/se (or dupes) I stand a chance to win one star+ monster.
That way at least one will not feel bad for getting epics and dupes

They have exactly that: Rare Gems.

I just replied to your other thread. I wrote something quite long and polite. However, now seeing this I feel like it wasn’t worth my time. You should’ve put both your posts into one thread titled:
“The grumblings of a new player. Give us more gems, tickets and everything”

Please don’t be that guy. Be patient and enjoy the game. Neo Monsters is very generous to free players and it’s a lot of fun to play.


How about buying legendary with gems?like

Dracorosa costs 30 gems…So spend 30 gems and get a dracorosa…lol😜

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How I wish if I could get rid of half my collection to boost my most used monsters …

It’s only a dream !

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I know this is a sarcasm only cos I saw you get a dracarosa earlier today .


I made two seperate threads because I thought they were entirely different issues. One was about ticket recharge time. While other was about the way we obtaining mons.

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Current gems system support Devs financialy so I guess not much can be said about it. But I am not sure why are you lumping the issue of that other thread.

You can get a crapload of gems for free through completing the main and online stories, acheivements, and events all incredibly fast. There is really no need for more gems. A newer player is not supposed to be on par with a veteran player, not in skill nor in collection, in a short length of time.

If you want to catch up you either be dedicated and invest your time or be dedicated and invest your money.

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