How about a shop

I feel that we should have a shop wherein we can get some specific epics and some limited super epics for sale for gems so that the newbies and us can have the monsters we specifically want and of course the monsters will be quite expensive. We could also have some non limited legends that would cost around 75 to 150 gems and the monsters on sale in shop should change in a week or so.

This would be terrible how much do u expect a mon to cost??? It will ruin balance with p2p players just buying them besides anything to improve the system wont happen because devs just care about our money not about if we get what we want people have been asking for robinox event forever no reply from devs so far same is with other useful se like frost that healing light totem they dont get featured inany event like dc ic if they are avliable in eggs probably spend ~150$ to get them

Alright we will not ask for limited super epics but we could ask for not limited super epics like the team turners for a good price sincce the odds for hatching them from eggs is low and the p2p players would have most of them. And for those f2p players requiring only specific super epics would not have to rely much on their luck

Spending gems on non-limited SEs would be a huge waste! The SE TT monsters are very useful, especially early on, but you’d be far better off saving your gems for a good festival where you’ll get a small handful of legendaries.

The “shop” is 300 gems for the new legendary (in most cases). As for non-limited legendaries you slowly get them over time, helped by rare gems. The non-limited SEs you collect quite quickly and it will just be a couple of good ones you won’t get for a while. The limited SEs are the real problem… which might benefit from being in a shop or as achievement rewards but ultimately need to get featured in online events regularly.

Perhaps when there are too many limited SEs to regularly release they can put them into the monster hunting section? There seem to be a few which the Devs release over and over because they want everyone to have them. These would go well in the monster hunting section where maybe you pick which one you get every 2 or 4 weeks.

I don’t think a shop would be good for Devs or us. The miserly egg system nets them revenue from gamblers who keep rolling thinking the next one is it. Buying mons they would spend a few hundred bucks on a dream team and be done. Plus you would give huge advantage to the P2W.

Guaranteeing leg every 3 10 packs for every new egg would be much better for all.

I would just like to see better odds, 10-20-70 or 15-25-60 L-SE-E would be tremendous and way more fun.

Yeah, this I like too. Featured every 6th, random every 3rd, 9th, 15th, etc.