I gave up...

I gave up on this game. I started waaaay too late, have a sucko team for taste, and just seem to have lost interest.

I hope you understand…

Anyway, I want to be a beta tester if not part of the development team for the next game.

I have some suggestions:

Make it a 3-D World Enviroment Game with Battle Sequences like that… sorta like pokemon colloseum

Make the camera movable and changable. I really hate stagnant cameras in a 3-D game because they don’t offer much of a view point except WYSIWYG.

Animation Wise for creatures: Attack Animations, Damaged Animations, Death Animations… those are the basics. Just a fade out is not going to cut it because it’s like… lame and very low tech… it shows lack of effort and a budget in your pocket.

No Sacrifices of any sorts for creatures (Unless it explodes itself.). This is really maddening when trying to capture a creature!

Keep every creature from Hunter Island and Dragon Island in the new game, and add more to it!

I’ll make some more suggestions, but you must accept ALL of these terms if you want more.

Doing nothing but bashing a game and complaining about the same things is not a good way to ask to become a beta tester. Also I started two weeks ago and I’m doing well in the game so I think you are just too easily discouraged.

I feel youse Leo. Most of us started out thinking we could never catch up, except some of the very old players and betas. I did. Within 24* hours there will be another OM and chance to get stronger. There are many farmable monsters that make PVE a breeze with time and a little effort.

I couldn’t win anything when I started, even when I beat the game. I got so mad at the starters and dragon hatchlings for not showing, and once I failed a catch at 97% chance. I’ve had bad glitches and luck. But now, I’ve been in masters league for a long long time, and I’ve never been beaten enough to lose three times in a row and be demoted (even though I’ve played like 80 battles)

You CAN get through it. And when you do, victory will be even sweeter.

Also there is going to be animation, been announced a while ago. Also I disagree with a 3d world. I like the 2d way better in my opinion, I prefer a really nice 2d game to a meh 3d game. Also there’s going to be 700+ monsters in the next game! none of which I know are going to be from DIB(possibly HI because of the transfer).

Why do you think a 3D game would be meh? I think it would be great. 2-D animations are horrible, I would say. I played another 2-D animated game, and I lost interest very quickly. Just not enough, I guess.

Why do you think a 3D game would be meh? I think it would be great. 2-D animations are horrible, I would say. I played another 2-D animated game, and I lost interest very quickly. Just not enough, I guess.

Play dragon’s world. It has high quality graphics, but the gameplay sucks.

Umm, murphy, you’ve been here quite a long time. I will never catch up. Like, ever. The game mechanics now are different then back then. And no, I am not bashing a game because I am too easily discouraged. I started 3 weeks ago.

P.S. I just saw the likes. Now I’m going to cry.

I promise you can catch up. I fight people with twice the OMs I have almost every match, and I was able to compete alright even when all I had was like scorpionix

Other forum members have some great arks and have been here longer than me by a good bit. I became serious at the intro of season 2, so I’ve been here 10-11 weeks ish.

Certain things like miniceros are not competitive compared to other Catchable arks like rares, so id focus on those first and beat the game.

Leo has been here two weeks and has 2 OMs, a competitive team strong enough to fight through floor 28 and most likely has progressed to the infinite dungeon

Dude, giving up is the worst thing you can do and so is making a big fuss about it

Patience is always the key to anything in life and this is just another example.

I’m sorry you’re discouraged but I highly recommend doing the OM tomorrow

Deadpool is right the next OM worth it !! Same move as the strongest ark in the game

A lot of people (like me) are complaining about the unbalanced PVP and the horrible gold egg spins. From what I have read on the forums, there’re also a lot of cheaters/hackers around. We just need to have patience until the update is ready and hopefully all the issues will be adressed.

Don’t get discouraged for now. Everyone here started with weak monsters and everyone spent hours levelling the arks to level 99. There’re also tons of pvp/pve strategies available in the forum.

What do you mean an animation? I REALLY disagree with 3D. 2D is what makes the game special, 3D makes it less appealing (to me). HI :slight_smile:

What’s wrong with the Gold Egg spins? I got a Leviathan and a Pyroviper from it. Unless they suck too…

Levi and pyro are rare and good but

Not in masters league

What’s wrong with the Gold Egg spins? I got a Leviathan and a Pyroviper from it. Unless they suck too…

They’re very weak compared to other powerful monsters that you can’t get in game, but only through gold eggs and online missions.

I have expressed criticism toward the mission system because it can make it very hard for new players to compete in the game, even if some manage to get on board with a new mission monster that happens to be a game changer.

When in battle the monsters have animations :slight_smile: instead of just sitting there and enlarge when they attack. There’s a thread about the artwork of the next game somewhere…

I have two things to say about this discussion:

  1. 0.99 USD is cheap for such a high quality PvE story. All people fuss about is the multiplayer. Honestly, I’d be complaining too if all I got was the PvP part of the game, but the PvE is also included, which includes an amazing story and memorable characters. I like that, and I understand some people don’t… but to just ignore the aspect of PvE altogether? Give the game some credit. It has one of the best storylines I’ve ever seen in all my iOS games.

  2. … I like 2D art. It’s less laggy and doesn’t take as much time to download. Plus most 3D iOS games do a poor job with their graphics.

Anyway, that’s just my humble two cents. Take it as you will ^^:

I am a little upset about how long it has taken for the update to the game. However, the developers have given us a high quality product which is well worth the money spent. The 99 cents is well worth it even if you never try PvP. I personally also like the 2-D environment. The strategy in a game is much more important than the graphics to me. 3-D is great for instant entertainment, but is not the important part of the game for longer term enjoyment.

Ok, I know I’m going to get a lot of hate for this but… where is the new update anyways? Ok, I admit, I also gave up on this game after a little while, not because I just gave up on the story, but because… well, there was nothing to do. In my opinion, of course. There wasn’t really a “competition” for me. I mean, think about it, those who spent trillions of dollars got the most OP monsters and destroyed PVP. Then you got those hackers, and then those people who are legit. Ok, it isn’t as if I am complaining that people spend their time on a game, but to some people, who can’t sacrifice hours of their life to farm for those amazing monsters, it kind of just dies for me. Yes, I suck at strategy. Yes, I’m a moron. But I really didn’t find anything interesting for a while, and yeah. That’s all I’m saying.

Storm, you ain’t no moron. <_<

Some games simply aren’t meant to hold someone’s attention, like a book… you can’t expect a series to go on forever. Eventually it will have to end. A game like this is Zenonia. Once you complete the storyline, it’s over. It’s literally nothing else to do. PvP is automated and you can really only restart the storyline, which gets very dull and unexciting. Hunter Island, I think, is the same way. It’s got a wonderful story and even PvP that has real people playing… but with all the instabilities, I understand why people see HI’s PvP just as good as automated PvP.

So what I’m saying is that some people need to move on and stop expecting so much from a game like this. The developers already said they were working on another game, but that doesn’t mean they are abandoning Hunter Island or even Dragon Island Blue. I trust that they will continue to provide updates for their past games, just not anymore content. There’s nothing wrong with that. Everything has to end eventually. It just so happens Hunter Island is one of those games… and it’s one of the best, too, in my opinion.

But, just because it’s one of those games doesn’t mean new people won’t come. So, for the future players’ sake, let’s not make it sound like their 0.99 USD went to waste.

what’s dib?
Oh dragon blue island nvm sorry :expressionless: I feel estupid now…

Well if you haven’t done the OM yet, I suggest doing it now. I just finished it and still got Cyberwyrm (Thank god lol)