Hunter island role play part 2

Sasuke: “what the… they all disappeared… Nice ray you’re finally awake, we need to hurry out of here, to fill you in on the details plasmorex has evolved into plasmorexis, and who knows what he can do now” 

Mariya: “no way… How on earth do we beat him then” 

Sasuke: “by using our god powers to seal him away for good this time”

Mariya: “but I thought that plan didnt work last time”

Sasuke: “you see this time, there are 5 of us doing the job and thats more than enough power to seal away plasmorexis”

Draco: *walks in* “But now he has clones of us, their power is equal or higher than ours, how did they make these you may wonder, look at your arms”

Ray: *looks at his arm to see a massive scratch* “I don’t remember that being there”

Mariya: “me neither, woah, but how did he do this, I dont remember being in physical contact with him”

Sasuke: “luckily I already killed my clone before he could get more powerful, so we have a slight advantage there”

Draco: “We suspect time travel, it seems that he wants our god powers, so don’t let them absorb any of your moves as one thing means that Plasmorexis has another of the god powers”

Dunkel: “Hahahahahhaaaa!! You fool Muser! Did you always believe that I was your negative part reincarnated out of you??”

Resy: “So you lied! You made my soul believe to be complete after I absorbed you!”

Dunkel: “Logical! You cannot absorb the personification of the Black Aura!”

Resy: *sees Tyson arriving* “Tyson! This beast is pure Black Aura! You should use both God and First One powers to stand him” *sends him a secret tought* -and remember the swallowing technique I’ve taught you-

Arborus and Esapid *appear in front of Ray and Mariya*

Arborus: “Ray… You have received the powers of my father Elgaia, but you need also the powers of his son, that means myself, Arborus the Earth First One!.. But… Where is Resy? She needs to ultimate me before!”

Esapid: “Don’t fear, Mariya, I’m Esapid the Water and Ice First One, and also the daughter of Aquarius. You’ll need my powers as well, but Arborus is right, I need as well Resy’s help to take out our full potential…”

Tyson: “I see… Lets get this over and done with” *he maxes out his power* “heavenly flame cutter!” *he uses the same attack he used to slice all the water in half*

Mariya: “then you guys can follow us until we find said resy”

Sasuke: “draco should we head back to camp now?”

Ray: “Yeah we better get going”

Draco: “Yeah I guess, they should be fine now”

Dunkel: “Not a single scratch! My body is not physical!”

Resy: “In fact I’ll send you to the Oblivion realm! Have a good time with Obeonix! And no, he’s not dead, I revived the auraspheric Phoenixes!”

Dunkel: “But even if you revived them, they will be useless against me!”

Resy: “Just because I don’t have them as allies right now, but faithful friends yes!”




Resy: *concentrates a lot evoking Ultimate Tiamat from inside her* “Ultimate First One Secret Power! ARCANE AURASPHERIC FURY!!”

Tyson: “good then you’ll love this, auraspheric swallowing!” *he uses the technique resy taught him*

Resy: *sees Tyson swallowing a huge globe of aura* -Good, the Aura contains every element in it… So it’s good for everyone to power up!- “WELL DONE TYSON! NOW USE YOUR BEST MOVE!!”

Arborus: *notices great flashes in the sky* “Resy!” *runs at the speed of a colossus, with Ray hidden among his branches. Leaps* “First One Secret Power! PRIMAL GAIA RAGE!!”

Esapid: *leaping into the air with Mariya riding her* “Time to fight! First One Secret Power! DIAMOND ICEBERGS!!”

Tyson: “First one ultimate power! Infinity nova wave!”

Sasuke: “alright then” *he uses flying thunder god jutsu to teleport them back*

Mariya: “good to have you on board with us then” *she absorbs esapid* -you’ll be safer inside me than out of the battlefield-

Ray: *absorbs Arborus* “Now we have more than enough power”

Dunkel: *gets badly hit by the combo* “Argh! Time to escape!” *Begins to Aura-port*

Resy: “Not so fast, you coward MuseHater! SPEED UP!” *Rushes towards Dunkel*

The three Arks: “Wait for us, Resy!” *they retire into the old Resy’s ark stones while the two enemies were warping to an unknown place*

Vulcarex: *from inside Tyson* -Oh no! Now that Resy, Tiamat, the three little arks and Dunkel have gone, you five should make good use of our powers-

Dahag: *from inside Draco* -Oh Draco, I have found two holes in Plasmorexis’ body. I’ll make you endure his dark energy to cross his body through those holes to recover my father’s essence. One hole is under his neck, another is under his tail. All you have to do is to cross him fastly like an arrow-

Tyson: -that’s not a problem, although I’m not the strongest of us god’s at the moment, the strongest ones are sasuke and draco, they know how to use their powers more efficiently than i do-

Deulication: -but you have 2 first ones and kurama with you though, how are you not the strongest?!-

Tyson: -because I’ve seen sasuke in battle, he’s got a lot more experience than i do, the same goes for draco-

Sasuke: *he teleports tyson back to the camp* “we’ve all re-grouped now, lets take on plasmorexis”

((Chris, it’s D-E-U-C-A-L-I-O-N))

Resy: *opens her eyes after teleporting and finds herself tied. She could have used some powers, but a strong depression was lacerating her soul…*

-Who the great darnaction is controlling my dignity? I feel so sad… So… Empty… Without any form of love… I have lost love itself, but also all the friendships because they all screwed over me, I have lost family affection because they all died… MERCY!-

*With this last effort of Muse power, she calls next to her the nearest person in her life. The only one available in this case was Sasuke…*

-I may also be one of the strongest magic warriors around here, but I have such a fragile soul…-

Sasuke: “I’ll be right back guys, there’s something I’ve got to take care of, you ready zephys?”

Zephys: “ready when you are”

Sasuke: “it’s time to use my more advanced teleportation technique… First one secret art, divine thunder God jutsu” *he teleports from that dimension to resys* “I heard your call now let’s get out of here, divine thunder God jutsu” *he teleports her and the arkadions back to the hunter island realm* “now we can defeat plasmorexis”

Draco: “What I’m not going through Plasmorex… I’ll get the powers back while we are fighting, don’t worry”

Ray: “Well let’s get rid of him once and for all! But… Where is Scorch”

Plasmorexis: “Clones, let’s leave this place, it’s time” *they all walk out* “Time to defend this world” *they start walking in the direction of Draco and the others*

Scorch: *jumps down from his hiding place and enters Plasmorexis’s hideout* “Jackpot” *starts looking through everything* “Now all of this will come in handy”

Resy: “Sasuke, it’s good we have to defeat Plasmorexis, but Dunkel is absorbing all my emotions and all my feelings. And the depression blocks all my powers. Because the Aura is actually a source created by all living creatures themselves, and it is an infinite source because emotions are infinite… In all the forms: the Blue Aura is created by positive feelings, the Black Aura is created by negative feelings. There must be a balance of the two Auras in every living being, but the fact is that Dunkel absorbed both from my soul. I need someone who can give me every love form possible, that means family affection, friendship and true love itself, at the same time. Only this way I can recover my powers. The problem is, all the sources of those forms of love have died, and I don’t have anyone now!”

Dahag: *from inside Draco* -That means you have to break Plasmorexis’ bones, because there’s no space among his ribs. You’ll have to combine your Blue Aura and your Black Aura to find my ultimate power and make it yours. That means, you must find your balance between your good and your bad side-

Draco: “But I have more of a bad side than a good side, how am I supposed to find the balance”

Scorch: *finds a board of buttons* “Aha” *puts in dome co-ordinated and the hideout disappears*

Inferno Tyson: “we shall reign terror upon this land”

Tyson: “Draco you know you’re not bad, I sensed it from the beginning of my journey with you in this realm. You were manipulated and controlled by plasmorexis, you had no free will in your decision did you… You made your decision to become bad because of that tyrant in order to save your sons, windra and Sam”

Sasuke: “resy, I won’t let that happen to you, dunkel will be no more” *he grabs hold of her gently* “i won’t let you go emotionless so take my power and kill that dunkel” *he kisses her and feeds her his aura*

Mariya: “woah I never thought sasuke had it in him…”