Hunter Island Role Play Part 3

Omega: *jumps down and pierces scorches heart*

Scorch: *wakes up and yells at the top of his lungs* -Oh, it was iust a nightmare…-

Sasuke: “draco you ready to head out tonight to scout the activity in the tournament?”

Tyson: “don’t worry about that for now sasuke, they’ll need to publicly broadcast the next match first, then we make our move”

Draco: *walks into the cave* “Guys come out here, the speakers are turning on”

Alzeon: “Good morning contestants, today we will be having another match!” *the wheel starts spinning*

Tyson: “we’re on our way” *the two of them go outside. The wheel then stops on Ash and Neuro* 

Sasuke: “I see so it’s not mariya or ray next, then there’s no need for concern right?”

Ash: *smirks* “Neuro, time to show you how useless your power is”

Neuro: -even though I don’t think I’ll win this fight, I have to try and show off what I can do at least- *he steps onto the teleporting circle and they boht teleport to the arena* “Now then lets do this” *he tries to give ash a headache*

Ash: *feels pain in his head* “Argh… How would you like it if I got into your head” *transforms into smoke and goes for any open spaces in his face*

Neuro: “argh… So this is what… it… feels… like” *he loses his brain function and collapses, unconscious*

Lee: “Woah that was quick”

Ash: *leaves Neuro’s body and transforms back into human form* “Ha! Worthless”

Jace: “yeah I’m not surprised either, his mind power was useless from when ash transformed into smoke”

Kira: “that guy will be difficult to beat” 

Neuro: *gets teleported out of the arena and a guard picks him up and lays him in bed* 

*two orbs float in to Neuro’s room, one takes his power and the other wipes that memory from existance*

Alzeon: “Another match will start later”

Mariya: “Ray I’m still worried about what happened earlier, apparently something bad went down in the security system and a prisoner got released. Do you think it was that Tyson’s doing?”

Ray: “It’s better not to worry about it, we need to keep our eyes on the prize, whatever it is”

Mariya: “I suppose you’re right, anyway I’m going to take a walk outside so we’ll talk in a while” *she heads outside into huge open garden area* “it feels so peaceful here, its almost like…” *she suddenly falls unconscious* -in her sleep she has visions of the past playing with Tyson and Ray and Scorch all together- *2 hours later she wakes up* “what was that…”

Blade Master: “Kurama, what should our next challenge be?”

Kurama: “I’m not sure, I think we should do something interesting that involves every participant… Hmmm how about an all out battle where every fighter meets in combat over a large playing field?”

Blade Master: “That’s a good idea, lets wait for a few more matches before we do that”

Kurama: “I agree, we should properly gauge everyone strength until the time comes. shall we invite the participants to a lunch gathering in a few hours to discuss a few things?”

Blade Master: “Sure”

Ray: *runs out to Mariya* “Mariya! What are you doing on the ground? It’s been 2 hours!”

Mariya: “I don’t know I sorta passed out and hey how come you’re wearing different clothes from this morning?” -oh crap… I forgot the dream!-