How to beat 'the person 'after the grand champion ?

Hey guys I’m on the last final bit and that is to defeat the 'person after the grand champion ’ I don’t wanna say the name as it might spoil the story for you guys . But just wanna say if any of you guy have defeated the person ?
My puffoxin doesn’t work and the monsters have incredible damage and defense.

Any tactic ?

Hey guys I’m on the last final bit and that is to defeat the 'person after the grand champion ’ I don’t wanna say the name as it might spoil the story for you guys . But just wanna say if any of you guy have defeated the person ?
My puffoxin doesn’t work and the monsters have incredible damage and defense.

Any tactic ?

Funny thing is, during the beta this guy was bugged so all that showed up was a seaspine, a plasmo, and a glyther. But here’s what I think could help. I would have a death sentence user, a sleep bomb user, and a time bomb user/survivor so that after sleep bomb you are guranteed a kill if you got it off successfully. Also, if you are using leobolt or any other stunning entrance monster in the first four slots of your team, move them back to 5+ slot. Poison eaters would be best placed after any poison revenge user, such as voltiger, and honestly spamming aoe’s is sometimes the way to go for story.

I just got him down alot of health then my tank blocked all attacks against my Starter so once it got knocked out I use Last Stand a couple times because his Time Units was high…

What you should do is have someone with purify at the front so you stop his Poison Massacre, then he starts summoning, I used Protector Killer and Poison Eat to get rid of these guys (Omega has Auto Poison so I didnt need to do any poison attack), then aim for the warrior (as he has Survivor) and Nukespider (400sec Time Bomb).

Now what I realised is that not only does Nightlord (iirc) have Stunning Entrance but he also has Poison Revenge meaning ‘he who shall not be named’ can Poison Massacre you.

If you want a better chance of surviving I reccomend not killing the Nightlord as the Poison Massacre will make short work of your monsters, not to mention that once all of the summoned monsters are gone he will start summoning them again.

Hope this helped slightly now you know more about the fight.

has anyone tried spamming death roulette and resetting when it misses? 

edit: tried it, doesn’t hit him. This fight is a dps race. Ignore summons after protect minions and kill the boss. Then cross your fingers and hope you come out in the end with enough left to clean up minions. The best creatures to use here are ones with “hold ground” +“desperate strike”, “stunning entry”, “stun revenge”, damage dealers should be poison or bloodcrave. Starting 4 should include stegospike for cleansing poison/absorbing nighthorse stun. I had a lot of success with using the two protect idols to build bloodcrave.

Thanks , I completed it finally with my shadow stalker. Dreamhunt.

I had to wait abit till the monster doesn’t have poison on him anymore , once I got the monster to sleep dream hunt did a lot of damage and took 4 dreamhunts to kill :slight_smile:

I went in blind with the team I used to beat beretis and got absolutely devastated.
Update - I won on my second attempt. Saying it was close is a massive understatement. I had my starter epic left with no health and hold ground already activated.

That fight was ridiculous. Poison massacre hits your team for 12k.
Dusk all hits your team for 2k

My advice is to deal as much as you can to him first using your best monsters - my two are Niloxov and Seaviper and they hit him for 1600 with poison eater. Have stegospike in your opening lineup for purify. I also used a guy with heal all to keep my two big guns alive but he just got killed with the initial dusk all, so I don’t advise that.

Then my next monster was Angelon with sunning enterance but unfortunately angelon’s speed at 15% he always goes last and hordes of monsters died without him being able to save a single one.

Timstrikers are worthless because you can’t stun the boss, so you want monsters with powerful aoe to wittle down his team (aoe’s that do 500 damage to all are sufficient) poison eater is enough to take out his blockers, I don’t advice protect killer because protect killer monsters will be one shot but dusk all.

Death revenges are hyper useful because if he kills them (which he will) their deaths will take out his team so you can focus on him.

My final lineup was A desperate striker, my last stand starter, and I have no idea because they died to fast haha.

I got really lucky

I won!!!

There is a way to do this battle really easy, First you will need a monster with purify at the start so he cant kill your monsters in his first turn, second 1 or 2 monster with unwanted friends (it summon 3 bronzeshells on the enemy team) this will cause the enemy to have usless monster as support also he wont summon any monster (I used 2 monster with that skill to add 6 bronzeshells just in case i needed to kill some to charge bloodcrave) then 4th monster need to be single target dps if you have 1 with poison eater it would be the best to set him as the start since the enemy is poisoned, now you only need to use monster that do single target attack and use healer to keep them alive , also if you have monster with sleep and dreamhunt set them by the end of your team (at that time the poison should be gone so you can sleep him) btw if you do this setup DO NOT USE AOE ATTACKS! Only single target attacks because if you kill all the bronceshells he will start summoning his ally again ans unwanted friends skill can only be use one time per monster in battle.
Good luck!

… You have 2 monsters with unwanted friend?
That’s insane! That’s like the second rarest skill in the game! How much money did you spend or how ridiculously lucky did you get?

Your strategy sounds good, and I’m sure it works but - I don’t have unwanted friend and I doubt many other people do either.

Well after the hell that was the grand champion(my team sucks for him)which involved me using death roulette to kill 4 guys in a row then getting my ass kick with him having 6 guys left I got really lucky and last standed the last 6 guys to death with my starter who ended with only 1hp left this boss on the other hand was easy my team fits him perfectly the unwanted friend strategy that kyrzel posted but I only just now read after the fight lol works great the 3 bronzeshells mean no summoned monster he will only spam dusk or poison massacre which he won’t if you have purity so just dusk. stealth and team stealth will keep anyone you want alive for a few turns just keep up the single hit attacks till his poison runs out the use a sleep bomb or if you stuff up the timing sleep all/sleep and dreamhunt then sleep again then dreamhunt and repeat put has many guys with sleep moves at the end of your party and a guy with team stealth so your dreamhunter last a few extra turns if you got anyone with stand ground their handy he takes at least two turns or more to kill even more if you get a heal off don’t forget to put your starter at the end for last stand.

Although having said that my team fits way to well for this fight shadowstalker(transfer) and guy with unwanted friends who I only got on my last roll was all I needed to win really had 8 guys or more left lol so main story finished in game time 24 weeks and 7 days level 28.

last stand did indeed make it for me, but took a few tries. had to switch out a few AoE monsters I usually use as well, since I found a weaker poison eater like hellataur better in this particular fight.

It took me 3 tries to figure out the easiest way for me to kill him.

My starting 4 were:

  • Carnofrost (unwanted friend) (super epic)

  • Griffclaw (Purify + heal) (rare)

  • Hadeberus (Reckless attack on shell + blood crave on big guy) (epic)

  • Blockadus (Stealth teammate on Hadeberus + Hold ground) (1* arkadion)

Followed by:

  • Slagtoise (stealth teammate on Hadeberus + Hold ground) (rare)

  • Hellataur (poison eater) (rare)

  • Thundrake (heal all) (super epic)

  • Velocirex (trying to sleep all to let big guy sleep + assisted bolt) (super epic)

  • Revenatus (Sleep all + ultrablight) (super epic)

  • Nilodeus (dreamhunt + Ultralux) (epic)

  • Stegotitan (protect teammates + gigastone) (epic)

  • Archwolf (give turn to hadeberus) (epic)

  • Rhynobrawl (poison gas to take down his hold ground + death revenge as passive skill) (rare)

  • Redkong (Ultraflame + last stand) (epic)

  • Glaciermane (Ultrasplash + last stand) (epic)

With this set-up he only managed to kill my monster until my Archwolf. After he summoned my Archwolf and used ‘switch turn’ to hadeberus i killed the big guy. With 3 more monster left as back up so 7 total. My sleep + dreamhunt never worked because i couldn’t get him to sleep. The reason i took him down because i kept my Hadeberus alive so i kept on using blood crave on the big guy and by keeping him with my heal all + purify monster and 2 tanks to use stealth teammate on him and because they had hold ground as passive skill and i was able to keep them alive with heal all.

I’m still trying to beat it. I will say that Halopard is a good monster for the beginning of the fight. It has purify to heal poison and stun absorb to nullify the stunning entrance.

I did it! I used halopard like I said in the beginning. I then used sacrifice summon to create some ammo monsters, then used Pterastorm’s throw ability to beat the summoned monsters. This powered up his bloodthirsty skill enough to take half the bosses health. 

Use poison eater in first line + one monster with purify, after his poison gas attack use purify and attack only him with poison eater, ignore all his summen monsters, your attacks will hit him from time to time and that’s all you need

One word, rhynobrawl. It’s probably the most versatile non healer monster I use, and is one of the best monsters to start with

I beat him using tons of sleep with dreameater on him and stunning his other guys. And when that failed, I had a life guy with survivor hit him hard. Best him with 5 monster left alive!

I beat him yesterday. Since he empoisoned everyone on field at the beginning, i used heallataur and 3 give turns to create maximal dmg at the 1st round. Then after he slaughter all the 4, i follewed with 2 other less good poison eaters, 1 stun absorber and my crysdrake(got from HI transfer) zhice has protector killer to kill each of his summoned protector and generates his bloodthirst. Then he will summoned a horse with stunning entrance whice my stun absorber takes all and after his 2nd round of slaughter, I still have my crysdrake to continue with bloodthirst. Then i’ve got a healer to bring back the life of my crysdrake, a strong dps (I got a 5 star tmonster with throw) then finish the big boss. He still has 3 of his summonned 5~6 stars on field and I handle them with bare luck (rhinobrawl and puffoxin)

I only got a crysdrakle from HI(easy to get), a 5 star dps, triple give turns, triple poison eater, a healer, a stun absorber and some other 3~4 stars to get over this one. YOU CAN DO IT TOO! 

I was having the same issue beating this. I had rarely had any trouble during the main story, losing maybe a total of 2-3 times before this boss. The first pic is my team I used through most of the story(the esapierzion wasn’t ultra evolved when I faced the grand champion). The second pic is what I ended up using to finally beat it. Unwanted friend is the unquestioned way to handle this battle, but only seen 3 monsters with it, all super epic. I basically used the first 4 monsters as bait, letting them die from the initial poison massacre, but 3 of them have create duplicate and the other has poison eater to get a strong hit in. Once they die, have a protector/stun absorber with stealth teammate a protect focus/accelerate team monster to help protect the stun absorber when nightlord comes in. A sacrifice summoner, then my main damage dealer, the shadowlance. As you can see from pic he has throw, time strike, and bloodcrave. The monsters after him are mostly healers/stealth teammate to keep him alive as long as possible. Using him throw to kill the 2 protectors he summons, blood crave then has enough juice to do over a quarter of his health per hit. Can get a couple hits in before he dies, that’s enough to let my last hitters come in to clean up. Then just have to take out nightlord and talosquire. Took lots of fiddling to find right combo, but if you don’t have unwanted friends, this is a solid route to go.

I bet it with one monster alone I’m level 26 he is the legendary don penguini best monster in the game
Last bite and hold ground