How does everyone have so many legendaries?

So everyone I see on the forum has like 10 legendaries while I’ve put in my fair share of money (maybe 400-500) and I only have 4 legendaries, let alone the omegamoids to upgrade them (because I don’t have fully upgraded legendaries so I can’t get all the omegamoids from events). Just wondering if there’s some secret I’m missing out on or something…

Not that long ago you could time the wheel to get more legendaries, but they fixed it a few months back. Most of the forum regulars started way before the patch and so got more legends in general

Yet somehow old Bucky here got a Lavaronix O_O


only 4 so far but no bucks spent yet :wink:
I think a lot of old players will also got legendary monsters from the previous game. We will get this chance as well with the next game I hope.

Take the chance to work on your teams and tactics. Never give up sometimes it just takes a lot of tries and training to increase your level and points for monsters to be use in your team.

I have 3 legends. $0 spent. Took about 30 festival spins though. (Got last biter)

Only use gems on festival eggs.

Festival spins is the only time you should spin unless your me and get a damn duplicate everytime

I started around a week and a half ago, have rolled 1 legendary so far. Wish I followed the advice here and used my gems during festival spins only. Prob wasted 2 to 4 spins. Just a quick question. After defeating the final boss in the story mode, are there any other sources of gems besides special events and the online side missions?

Yeah lavaronix cost me something like 200 gems in total.
It’s only cause need it for my final team. That and ultimadragon

Legendarys seem to cost 200 gems

Thought I would have 1 spin trying to get the new one. Ended up hitting legendary and getting rexo. Can’t complain

Rexo is good, I spin got a epic duplicate +9 I will eventually have every epic at +9 lol

Is rexo a monster that’s always worth using or only fit in certain teams? Also is he worth ultra evolving

It’s more a case of you don’t use him in certain teams, but he’s such a good sweeper that he fits into most teams anyway.
And yes ultra evolve him, because he gets timestrike which is really good for triggering blood fury

What about warca? How would you build around him?

He’s basically the same as any other 400s bomber, but you can put him in an assisted water frontline as well, plus he’s still a threat once the bomb has gone off.
Just stick him with some water monsters and you’re good to go.

I have:


23, how many are missing?

I know the new Motodragon and Lavaronix and one new that came out recently. How many more do I have missing?

Aegis dragon
Ultima dragon
The summon swarm guy
Gold tail

Damn… Too many missing :wink:

Nightlord and apollorexus as well.

Jeez you probably spent over 1k on the darn game to get that many legendary s perhaps a couple of grand.~○~
4 legendary for 190 bucks so imagine