Im so happy! I just decided to get a few spins for deo and on my last of 3 spins, after two epic dupes, out popped the penguin and I shouted out with joy!!!

I think I’ll have a similar reaction if I ever manage to get aegis. Congrats KingBen.

Thank you. It really is exciting because it’s so random. I love this game.

I wish I could be as lucky as you.

I was quite upset when I got an other sanctallion it’s my fifth one. They all were in a row too, it’s the only legendary that I’m able to get. 

Nice luck, i have never gotten a featured legend before. I really wanted aegis and geist but sadly no…

Demn im no luck in spin wheel, just missing lavaronix here :joy:

Just got it toooooo! 1minute ago with 5 free Gems​:muscle:t2::heart_eyes: now i have 5 legendes! And spend 40€

Penguini was my first legendary I pulled when I was below level 10 :P. I think I also got really lucky and got the two featured monsters at the moment. Both Deodragon and Lavaronix

Can I have some of your luck?

Woah! Do you mind saying how many times you had to spin for that?

Not many. I’m still relatively new to the game. So far I have five legendaries. At level 39 atm and I’ve only been using the gems you get from missions and the like.

I got penguini at the first gold egg. i wonder how to build a team with him. Could sb teach me pls. I just played NEO MONSTER for couple of days.

Check out the beginners thread.Its got some great tips for newbs.
You can use stun bombers and penguinI at end.Stun bomb all of your team so opponents have lots of TU to Do anything.Then just clean out enemy one by one with last bite.
That’s no strategy but works if you have problem getting though certain Chapters.