help building a Sleep team

Hi,why not using warca+one on one+healing light Mon+NR.this way you can easily do some damage to op fl.your stun entrance is great.
From 6 to 9,how about your sleep Mons?
Hope best for you and your team

I have guardtotem (sleep revenge) and Wraithcaptain (dreamy entrance)…
First dreamy entrance, blood clone, stun flash (totem), sleep double, another mons died, clone enter, healing light to clone, blood clone (the clone), healing light…
Wraithcaptain parade…:joy:

Are you planning to go farther into UC and at least a gatekeeper?
I am planning that you put 2-3 death revenge in FL as well as stun revenge…
Then more stun and more more more stun… then death roulette a.k.a zib and both shogun and rexo…
crazyness happens here you’ll need crazy sleep lock and a half…
then you dreamhunt your soul away!!
That’s how to get through 200 250 and probs 300
The gatekeepers after take either emerald or polareon…

I want at least reach the 1st gatekeeaper iff possible

Easiest way is to start with 4 death revenge, then SE protector > stun bomb > sleep legends. Gatekeeper is easier than the normal floors since you can build a team to directly counter him, trial and error will beat him eventually.