Gatekeeper Guide

Hello guys,

i want to make a guide for the gatekeepers at UC.

i think it would be best, if everything worth knowing would be in the first post, so if you want to add something, i will add it in this post. 

at gatekeepers the main point is how to start into this battles (plus bane at 5th and 6th gatekeeper).

so i will give advices how to handle these parts.

after the start my 4 mons on the field will be:

emeraldeus, shadowhunter, stormloch and SE Protector (followed by further SE protectors)

lets start:

1 Gatekeeper (Stage 200)

Frontline: Rhyno, Puffo, Geowulf, Islandoe (Stunbomber)


Stun protector epic holy type turtle(idk his name since i dont have him)
The Godfeather

strategy: stun / sleep / dr / bloodthirst (whatever you want, if you spend some time thinking, you will get it, first gatekeeper should not be a big problem)

2 Gatekeeper (Stage 250)

Frontline: Aegis, blightwyrm (DD), pyrokaizer (DD), skyther (epic protector)

Reinforcement: Leg Stun, Omega, Armavolt, Flavern and so on

strategy: first two moves will be nova all from the DDs, so i suggest to have 2 DR and rhyno + puffo as frontline. followed by a knockback monster + a stun entrance monster + stunbombers. 

if you are lucky aegis gets killed and you probably dont have to knockback.  

after that sleeplock.

3 Gatekeeper (Stage 300)

Frontline: shadowyrm, aegis, auro, zib

Reinforcement: leo

strategy: first move is nova all from shadowyrm, the rest is vulnerable to stun, so i suggest 4 mons in frontline with stunrevenge and without holdground. afterwards 2 sleepers, sleepbomb monster and a monster who can knockback one monster (used to aegis). first use unwanted friend, than give turn and knockback. meanwhile of course sleep

4 Gatekeeper (Stage 400)

Frontline: Rhyno, Flavern, Lavaronix, Deodragon

Reinforcement: stun Leg

strategy: here i start with a stunbomber, rhyno and 2 sleep legs. Deo goes first with charge. Flavern will knockback rhyno.

you stunbomb so rhyno is stunned. sleep lava, then deo. thats all.

5 Gatekeeper (Stage 500)

Frontline: leo, mecha, emeraldeus, aegis

Reinforcement: SE protector, midas, motor … bane

strategy: i use 4 DR in front (including rhyno and puffo). followed by midas (as fastest giveturner) and double knockbacker

for bane there are two ways: i tried that after bane came its protectors turn so he uses purify (lil bit risky, because it can also use protect teammate), the other way i will describe at 6th gatekeeper

6 Gatekeeper (Stage 600)

Frontline: Leo, Golgerock (Protect Focus), Terrordragon, Tiamazus

Reinforcement: Leg Stun, Tridrake

strategy: midas + 3 other DR monsters without holdground followed by steamhawk, doubleknockbacker and 1 stun entrance + heal monster + 2 stunbombers.

here its important that the first DR  trigerred by leogeist doesnt hit golgerock. steamhawk comes in and so also a bronzeshell. use skipturn to come behind golgerock, he will use knockback for a DR monster. Give turn from midas to Knockbacker, double knockback to Leo/Terror/Tiamazus (depends on, which are not dead). knockbacker get timestriked and steamhawk poisoneaten. you can use heal all and stun bomb. sleep every one without golgerock, he will knockback the other DRs. 

then you kill all till you come to gearhound (after gearhound comes bane). all should be asleep except of gearhound. he will knockback your SE protector and bring in caniswyrm (with “knockback next”) after knockback next caniswyrm uses protect focus so gearhound next knockbacks canis and your next SE Protector comes in. 

So you have to go on till the last monsters with killing. you should activate bloodthirst on both sleeps legs.

before bane enters you should bring the lifepoints of all enemies very low.

after bane enters focus on all other monsters than bane (and of course use purify).

if only bane is left, there are several ways. bloodthirst/fury him down while putting your protector right behind him for faststrike.

i just waited for a DR which had been knockbacked to come in again and let bane kills it.

of course there are also other ways, but i wanted to show a way bit more detailed and examples how you can beat them.

excuse me, if some things arent right. it can be, that ive forgotten some things. you are welcome to correct me!

We need alternative guides for people without sleepers like me xD

Without sleep you are nothing. That sucks.

Its going to be really hard without sleepers my best is 181. Other startgies could be stuns and deathmark that should take you somewhere above 250 other then that i dont think you can pass 250.if someone did pass 250 without sleepers or deathmark kindly share their team.

I heared godfather and the other last bitter can take you somewhere to 161 but i really dont know about that since i dont own any of them .

this shall not be a UC guide in general, where you can discuss alternate strategies for other levels.

Just gatekeeper stuff please.

Beat second GK with attached team

Posion revenge force using Purify, so I could use Death Roulet into aegis and kill him with stun revenge mon. 

Ahmed, I’m at 281 with Rexo. I’ve been stuck on 3rd GK for last two days.

Detailed line up for G1

Stun protector epic holy type turtle(idk his name since i dont have him)
The Godfeather

Nice thread dude, i might suggest it would be pinned,

to all those who pm’ed me on what my team set up on UC…

here is the only video that I recorded on current UC…

fell free to watch… Team from Level 311-431

Power of 2 deathgods (geartyrant & SS) with only 2 sleepers (4th GK)

Feel Free to watch Thank you

Wahahaha dude it made me laugh alot hearing the “pot pot” sound, somebody is selling some pandesal(bread) loooooool
Very lucky with sleep all, frontline is sleeping with just one skill

Well done

Yeah I noticed that too., I just came to Office Building when that sounds “poot poot” came :slight_smile:

Even though it didn’t Hit there’s still Stun Flash on Geartyrant so I can cast 2 Sleepall

You casted your Stun flash on enemy frontline

sometimes yes, sometimes not depends on situation, that’s why i have a back up stunners/protectors for incoming stunners.,

My key here in UC is SS frontline killer then Gear will do the rest

Well good for you you have descent legendaries

 i will add this to the first post

Attached is the team I made to get past the gatekeeperat lvl 300, but I’m still having trouble. Any suggestions?

For everyone who need a guide for Gatekeepers this is really useful

If I beat level 300 then I will do a detailed guide on how to do it without sleep. Does require cryptblade + horrorclaw.

Rexo helps in the earlier levels but is not necessary. He makes the first gatekeeper pie though.

Beat it. Requires unwanted friend.

Back then before revive strat nerfed I can reach 399 without sleep legend or cosmo/nebel. I’m using revive only plus support. Problem for 4th GK is no sweeper you can revive iirc. DR in FL plus mirror revenge somewhere in the middle is not enough. If you can beat 4th using revival please share though. It will helps players without sleep legends.