Has anyone ever thought...

…that this whole “the update is coming” thing is just some sick social experiment? Maybe someone’s thesis or maybe they’re making a documentary!

Just sayin’…

Really dude?

Could be, could be…

At this point, it’s just as plausible, no?

myb deep down everyone thinks that way, except deadpool…

Or maybe you guys are being far too negative and need to relax?

Let’s stop this nonsense.

Unless you absolutely know the update isn’t coming (and there needs to be PROOF. Not just your fears and concerns), don’t spread rumors.

These rumors are part of the reason why no one is really on the forums anymore.

You’re a funny guy, Mr. Pool.

I’m relaxed just fine, thanks.

There are no rumors in my post–no conclusions drawn, no assertions of truth–there is merely a mention of a fantastic possibility. There’s not even a supposition or a hypothesis.

With things like “Catfish” and the “Escherian Staircase” hoax going on these days, the study of a gaming community holding on to the hope of an update to the game that they’ve spent a ton of time, and in some cases money, on, would be interesting and entertaining, in my opinion.

I would be honored to have participated in one of the biggest trolls of the internet age.

Well played, Ryan Kelley, Lars Kelley, well played…

And honestly, Dead…if you can’t pick up on the light-hearted and tongue in cheek tone of the original post and this one, go ahead and double the dosage of whatever you’re on…everything will be ok…this is still the most life this forum has had in ages!!!


It’s funny how you talk about how the life on the forum has dissipated then you join the chat and I tried to say hey but you said nothing in return and then you up and left the chat without a moments thought. You can’t come in here and say that this forums dead when your not exactly gonna socialize with the people and put a bad impression on others. All I can say is what a hypocrite you are…

There was nothing in your original post that hinted at tounge and cheek at all. Also ZigZaGames is a small company they have a lot on their plate and not the man power to finish everything really swiftly. For the Hunter Island update they’ve had to redo most the code for the game to be able to make the update. They have just done a bad job at communicating the progress of the update with the community.

But if you genuinely think that they are trolling us, when the next OM comes out go on chat and ask Ryan yourself. He’s normally on the time the OM releases.

The developers have made it clear they are switching coding engines as well as working on a new game. I see no reason to not believe that an update is coming. If you don’t want to wait then it’s simple don’t play the game.

You have to remember this about the update.  If you go in a straight line, you get there the fastest way.  If you ZigZag, it will take a lot longer.  

I have found patience and inner peace by very rarely playing in PVP or paying for Gold, until the update comes out.  There are plenty of things to do while waiting for the update. 

P.S.  I am sure DeadPool has been missing my posts but he waits patiently for the next one.

Nope, it’s coming.