
Angelion is super strong but I’m pretty sure it’s been designed as a monster which counters lots of things. Certain other monsters are great counters to stuff too, and some made freely available like Freezecobra. We need some strong monsters that are viable basically anywhere which counter the other strong stuff out there… it helps things stay in balance better.

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Well. This progressed differently than i expected. I was merely suggesting making sprig unable to revive unless a friendly grovo has died in battle, to slow down the grovo army. Seems like a fair amount of people agree with me? I dont think time restriction will work as well. Im not asking for a nerf to all those who got upset about this topic and began the angel rage… When you think about it, even if grovo has to be killed first, sprig still takes 2 hits to kill, and grovo is protecting him the whole time. If this is unreasonable, its whatever. Just was curious what the community thought and if i was alone in thinking this.

I’m still against this even tho I don’t use grovo. I think he turned out nicely

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Reasons…Ok then, not that those will convience you otherwise but here we go.

  • Doesn’t die to most crono killers in one shot. My Chromera often leaves it at low health but doesn’t one shot it. So that argument of yours I can’t follow.
  • Can’t be one shooted by confident strike. It’s too tanky for that.
  • Other mons have raw as well and are far more restricted than Angelion. Null for example can’t do much if a protector is on the field. Angelion can at least attack all.
  • It offers the best passives in the game. Sleep fronts are instantly countered, poison fronts are instantly countered (purify all), even sneak attackers are countered with purify! Stun is instantly countered. He breaks every enemy FL in a good setup.
  • With +9 his TU’s are relatively low and it’s simply enough that he is there because of the said passives.
  • It get’s used because it counters a lot of FL’s and more. It’s not like he has retribution which is ridiculously fast charged and deals massive damage and with that often one-shots a lot of mons. He can also control the battle with his SS, “stealing” an enemy mon that’s good for your team.

Maybe as a “stand-alone” he doesn’t seem OP but in nearly every team he is a huge threat, simply because of his passives. I don’t know what you consider OP but Angelion and Gyo are by far the ones that stand above others.

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None of that shows why it’s broken only shows it Is good

Bro, let’s just stop Okey, your grovo got such a great buff & now all of a sudden angelion is op & it needs tweaks.

@DarKsidE555 angelion is not overpowering legend, it is for those who run stun & it is a wall at times but it dies one shot to cyclo, bb, maggot , most of the times to chrome & Dolph ,

At this very moment given the power creep, it can’t be right what you’re thinking.

And as kd said we need more counter monsters

Really? :rofl: Ok then…Yeah, I knew it would have been a waste of time.

I leave it at that.

Talking of nerfs! Hello hey how y’all doing !!

But I don’t see how grovo can be any different or less of a threat in 16 monsters teams but let’s see!

Now What I would really like to see is piccolo using revive grovo by sacrificing himself. Then an enemy angelion steals the piccolo to make his own army of grovo… would be cool !!

the only monsters I think needs nerfing is

BB (Double bloodthirst = Single target) + His aoe spam.
death gazer entrance should not target team turn monsters.

That would kill bb. It should be a nerf, not a murder

Do u guys think anything other than BB for once ?

And please don’t bring up the topic of BB being protected by auto protectors cos most of the top rankers hide ur sweepers behind auto protectors aswell… With a dusciyon !!!
BB has its plus and it’s downside aswell. Learn to adapt to it ! It’s been a year and half of it’s release.

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BB was a mistake to be added in the game in the first place.

sooner or later BB have to be nerfed, making him single target monster will balance him out.

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First angelion, now BB… Next what? Rockoids ? Let’s nerf it too…

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Yea that light lion monster pretty op

Bro all i want is averyone leave my grovo alone :grin: he got the well deserved buff ,angelion is super good i never said it was OP and nobody complains about him , i can handle him but a lot of peoplo dont …cus he is tanky and needs 2 chrono killers to the face ro die.
Idk about angelion just leave my grovo alone :heart_eyes: hahah

Yep and he will never be used again afterwards.

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I like the combo with auro. My recent PvPs nearly everybody have him in the team. I still.manage to win but it waa annoying af. I should consider using him as well before the nerf hammer comes :joy:
In pve he is super fun to play because you can have several copies with pull back :rofl:

Do not nerf any released monster. Just buff the dmg of single throw & single poison eat of related monsters (epic, se, legend, mythic) to the same level of angelion’s retribution.


Yeah either that or reduce it’s TU to like 80-100.

Autopoisoners right now are a bit lackluster.