Let's talk about these two!

Hi guys. UC just started and it made me remember two monsters that worth to talk about:

1- Grovodeus:
Honestly I don’t know why grovo got his nerf (springolo can not invoque a Grovodeus if there is another Grovodeus in your team). I guess the nerf was made due to the grovo’s “little” spam people used to make, but right now, when auro/ap spam problem was controlled after a number of changes devs made, is it really necessary that the monster keeps his restriction? Grovodeus is not used anymore (not even in pve where he shined the most!) and that’s a shame. Such a good monster waisted.
The restriction is too much and the damage he can make now if you build around him it’s too little.
My suggestion is to eliminate the restriction and leave him just as he was before. If there are still reasons to keep the nerf, then at least change to a less restrictive one, I’m pretty sure other players will make good suggestion on this thread.

2- This doesn’t really needs and explanation:

How is this

Any better than this???

This legendary needs a buff!!. He even has less speed than the epic.

So, write your suggestions and thoughts

@Dev_VKC @Dev_VKC please consider this


Because he can heal Auro for UC :joy:


Lol. True, but nah, let’s be serious. I mean, I didn’t say the speed was a problem, it was just a point in the comparison. That epic does almost the same purpose than the legendary, which is to stun and clone. The only good thing the other one has is element healing? The only good thing over an epic?. And I’m talking for pve purposes, since it’s obviously a pve monster

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I think sanct/Cryo should get shield entrance or blood clone, but not both

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1 - Grovodeus
For some reason people only ever remember the nerf. Shortly before Grovodeus actually got a big buff. They went with a similar concept to what I put forward on the forum but didn’t put a restriction on the Grovo revival, I guess because they didn’t think people would abuse it much. However, straight after the buff it became super common everywhere for people to do Grovo revival spam and while top PvP players could beat it, it was a problem for players with weaker teams. It was also stupidly strong in PvE.

So in reality he’s buffed quite nicely and is a balanced older monster which has use in PvE. The damage from duo attack is very high and gives it use against mildly buffed enemies (against massively buffed Grovo will die too easily - only specific monsters work here as you know).

2 - Stun revenge cloners
I honestly think those 4* monsters need a speed nerf. They’re ridiculously strong for PvE. Again, this is due to a buff because now clones come with full speed rather than half speed. However, I’m not requesting a nerf because a lot of people benefit from them and in PvP they are not a problem at all. They also have numerous counters so they’re not “overpowered”.

The legendary cloners could probably do with a tiny speed buff to, say, 64% just to help them chain together better. Perhaps a second passive could be added to both Cryokaizer and Sanctallion; a different one for each. For example, one gets “Union: accelerate” and the other gets “Union: excessive force”. They’re both actually quite good for low level PvE, as we see in various biweekly missions, but I agree they could have a little boost.


I like both second passive ideas🤔.

About Grovodeus, as I said, I understand why the nerf happened, but since then, the monster went from being too common, to just “hey, there is someone running Grovo, that’s weird…”. The nerf it’s obviously too much, there should be a medium term that makes him more usable than what he is now. That’s the main problem with too common monsters that get nerfed, the nerf it’s sometimes that hard, that they just completely disappear

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“Then” was a very short space of time. Grovodeus has still been left heavily buffed from what it was before. Sorry if it wasn’t clear in my post above but I was saying how I find it very weird everyone focusing on its nerf when in fact it received a big buff overall.

Before its buff it was starting to see basically no play at all I think. It had a short window where it became the meta, then it got “corrected” and has become something not played at all at high level but can be used in PvE or lower rank PvP (in my opinion).

P.S. If you have ideas for Grovodeus then go ahead and share them. I just think “the nerf was bad” is a silly thing to say because it completely misses the point on what happened (it got buffed, there was an exploitable bit, it got exploited, that was stopped) and I don’t think anyone would like the restriction being removed again.

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don’t worry, sanctallion has a very important main function, which is “filling in tier F” :stuck_out_tongue:.Like tridakhan.
But I think,he still usable because the element is light and we know link light is most powerfull element in game.And another clone stunner(cryo) is water element and we know water is very crazy and have alot support.so I think they still balance.some newbie very love with that monster.If they add another buff skill or buff passive I think the 2 element(light and water) is unstopable

I think the best buff for stun cloner legend is “poison imunity”

And there is another funny fact, when dev finds out they are useless. Dev doesn’t buff them, on the contrary. Dev will release their “shiny” version and make them even more forgotten.

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I don’t think any of the two needs a buff.

Grovo already got his buff and is now great in terms of balance in my opinion. Sprig was simply too fast before and is still tough enough to kill with its current speed before he gets a turn. It’s still better by miles if compared to the original Grovo.

Sanctallion already got a buff in the past. Elem healing is more useful than you would have thought and it’s probably the best monster to charge Voidress with. It also has a damage option with attack boost fast which will destroy opponent monsters if you have a link holy setup. And also if the opponent doesn’t have stun protection, it can do the same job as the one-trick-pony 4 star stun cloner and will easily gain a turn before the opponent monster so the speed is high enough as well. In my opinion, it has a clear role and no changes are needed.


The unicorn to charge voidress because 50 TU is way too fast for it.

I usually have a shocker or something that comes in and I sacrifice that in the meantime. Or Jawshank if there’s a protector. Would be too easy if Sancta was faster for the benefit you get.

normal Tridakhan needs buffs , than the two of them.He is usless in pve and pvp

Yeah posion immunity will make them more reliable in PvE

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Buff Sanct!

Sanctistag, you mean?

Jokes aside, a nice way to buff the Cloners, imho, would be:

Sanctallion: give him Bond: Focus and and Union Attack instead of Ultralux

Cryokaizer: give him Bond: Healing Entrance and change the SS to Adrenaline.


Can’t give Adrenaline to a different monster,its the unique move of Y Ddraig Goch.

Well, Y Ddraig Goch has also Tyrannical Ruling as a unique skill. As long as he has at least one…

Wow. I want this now. @Killerdog don’t you dare write anything negative against this amazing suggestion unless it is to make it BETTER

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Healing entrance would fit Sanc better and Focus will be good on Cryo :slight_smile:

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Nah Cryokaizer is stupid as ■■■■ I doubt he could focus even if he tried