Give Djinzar unmovable



Very good point, this monster needs it!

I’d get behind that buff actually, it’ll turn an underwhelming monster into a legitimate threat.

+1 on that. Djinzar is useless after he gets knocked back. Either let him use his “wishes” again or give him unmoveable. Would be a simple change.

Exactly. Can’t see anyone having an issue with it. Also it means he’ll be quite strong then!

I agree on all your points. Something which should have been done already tbh

Thank you for your suggestion.
We think this is a brilliant idea too.


Brilliant! Thank you. Now how about that reordering top 10 on win/ loss ratio suggestion… :wink:

Support Team: Thank you for your suggestion.


What’s the purpose of having blood monsters lose their charge when they are knocked back? Why not just allow it to return to battle retaining the charge? The description of the attack says “for each kill made by the user in this battle”. Being knocked back is not being removed from battle if using a one time ss doesn’t also get reset by the same condition.

Never thought about it this way but true…

A lot of the tactical play in this game is about controlling the enemy team to manage the threats. There are a few ways to disable monsters like sleep, stun and poison (for some monsters - e.g. Bitterbeast). It’s a very important part of the game that we’re able to disable enemies that would otherwise be big threats out on the field. Knockback/repulse is another big one that can especially punish sweepers that need to charge moves or monsters with single-use moves that need to be used for the monster to function most effectively. On the surface, knockback/repulse looks like a bad move because it barely slows the enemy team (the next monster enters without any speed penalty) and in the case of knockback it sets your own monster back a long way. However, it actually functions as a way to counter the largest range of things. I think it’s very important to keep it in the game as a tool for countering a large number of things we might encounter, but not as strongly as, say, putting a monster to sleep for 320s or stunning it to 200s. Some monsters have unmovable or gravity field which disable knockback.

Imagine a game where things getting knocked back didn’t reset their kills / single-use moves. It would be much harder to stop each of the enemy monsters from being threatening. A monster like Canishogun which has bloodthirst charged you can’t stun because it has stun converter, poison won’t do anything and if you knock it back / repulse it then it’ll enter at such high speed and be able to bloodthirst it’s a very bad idea. You’re left with only two options: put it to sleep or kill it. Is this game better with fewer options or more options? Additionally, a Canishogun + 4* monsters is known right now as a very strong front line but currently you can repulse the 4* monsters after they’ve been buffed and they lose their buff, becoming weaklings you can leave alone for the rest of the match. This is a very solid counter to one of the strong things in the game right now and there are plenty of other examples where repulse is the best counter for something strong. By weakening it in the way you suggest it would have adverse affects on some of the strong combos which are otherwise kept it check a little right now.

Repulse was definitely too strong so in the recent update it had a TU increase. I think it’s now in a good place.

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I’m not necessarily saying it’s horrible, but if it’s going to be that way, technically the description of blood moves is wrong. We do have moves that reset the kills of an enemy. It just doesn’t make sense that being knocked back resets kills, especially when other moves like protect focus are not reset. I’m mainly arguing that they need to change the description or change the function because they aren’t consistent. Kills per battle should be kills per battle, unless reset by a skill with that purpose. Maybe it’s just semantics.

I totally agree that the description should be a little clearer with regards to this.