Fix Duscy's confident strike

Duscy is the only one Monster having this bug if it is not at 100% life (without being poisened) it does hilariously low damage.

Let me give you an example. Duscy usually one shots Chromera doing up to 4k-5k damage. If duscy get poisened and the first tick of 5 damage is hitting he is already doing only half his damage at percent. We are not talking about like lowering it a bit because duscy is still very close to 100%. The damage gets ridiculously lowered to already of half his potential. Try to reinvornate yourself while being poisened. Same results. This can’t be the design devs were aiming for. Your thoughts on it? I am talking here about duscy’s one attack move and not about his balancing overall. Stick to the topic please.

You’re nuts. Duscy has already insane passive so it’s a good thing it isnt constant sweeper. Poison is one of the only counters it has. Even if it only deals like 50-70% damage after the crit condition is gone it’s still a dangerous monster.

Wtf man. All confident strike monsters have this feature, not only ducy. Check your facts. If its 99.99% it will do half damage, and critical only at 100%. Same for valz, jingle and all others (except gyo).

We asked devs before, they say it intended to keep confident strike in check. So not a bug


Exactly that’s why I said at the end to avoid balance discussion and still you point this out. This is not a complain about if Duscy is OP or not. And you don’t need to be offensive by telling me I am nuts. Stay objective.

Valz has higher attack stats but his confident strike is not the same. Valz does still critical damage till 90% dmg. Check your facts maybe. Did you realize half damage on Valz if he is at 99.9%? … show me your eveidence for your argument.jingle the same. Go ahead and check it again

Dusicyon doesn’t have a high attack stat. Even at 100% it doesn’t one shot everything. So it makes sense that it doesn’t one shot anything when injured.

Valsa stops one shotting after he gets hurt. Don’t know where you’re getting your numbers from, but dusicyon without damage does about 4.5-5k on average with 100% and does about 2.5-3k when damaged. Valsa goes from about 6k damage to maybe 3.5-4k.

Have tested this liberally.

Zardecil where did I write it one shots everybody? Why do you create any new arguments which were not written. It’s about the damage calculation in general. I wouldn’t complain if I would feel that’s the move would be equal for all monsters. And we don’t need to talk about gyo because it’s a completely different move. I don’t know why iSegal mention that. It is absolutely 0 related to this topic

Move currently is equal for all monsters, don’t know what you’re complaining about. See numbers.

Why create a thread when you don’t wanna argue? Maybe you’re way into 1 shot meta that this is obviously a problem

The confident strike has no issues.

1.5k if poison ticked. Not event 2.7k. That’s the joke about this. Valze still one shot most monsters even with not critical condition

And you call numbers and see it is not threated the same for both monsters if you look % wise to these numbers. If I take your numbers valz does still more than 50% damage without critical condition and duscy around 40%

Don’t know where you’re getting your numbers from unless you’re using bashing an aegisdragon as a starting point.

I literally just played a game and pulled this average from my dusicyon.

One game is of course a good proof for a statistic. Standard deviation =100%

You initial talked about a “bug” and a required “fix”. It is not a bug.
I have Dusy and Valsa and use both of them all the time and they also do not need a buff at all regarding their damage while having less than 100% hp. As you also do not want to argue, this thread is either obsolete or solved, whatever you want to call it.

Argue about something I was not pointing to? Even if I said it’s not about OPness of the monster. Why can you not read just properly to save time for both of us talking about a topic which was not even under discussion

1 game consists of more than one data point, which can be averaged.

Well if people would come up with good arguments instead of calling random numbers and well I have played once a game where I have seen it one time: it’s not convincing for me. And the other guy complains about that duscy is OP and why am I complaining while I try to compare the move with other monster and observed that % wise they are not treated the same. Why is it obsolete if I try to understand why it is different

As well you just mention that you have both but can’t bring evidence or at least an argument it’s absolutely not the case what I was talking about. I mean I would say ok maybe I am wrong if some people would come up with real arguments instead of assumptions

Let’s see your data set. I presented mine, average of about 20 uses of CS on dusicyon.

Yours better be a lot more convincing, I’ve given you a point, and you had better provide numbers to refute it.

You called random numbers too here, you’re not exempt from your own rule.

You have burden of proof here, not me. You made the claim, so back it up.

I was just checking the attack stats from all my monsters and duscy was at 5th to lowest, while Valza has quite a lot more attack than duscy. 970 to be exact. I was testing them just now and valza did about 300-1000 more damage when both are not at full hp which the attack stat difference could provide. I’m not gonna prove anything with ss or stuff like that but im gonna summon KD to make this more clear @Killerdog

You open a thread, shouting uncorrect facts, and ask us to give you proof that you are wrong. VALZA MAKE ALOT LESS DAMAGE AFTER 1 POISON TICK! Stop arguing for god sake and check if you dont believe.

Here is a thread i opened right after the confident strike rework, asking devs why is my valza make about 50% damage after 1 poison tick:

You can see that everyone noticed that in there, and a dev reply as well. It was literly the 2nd thread on the search list for the search word “confident”. Check your facts. Dont argue over stuff you clearly havnt checked.

Btw you can learn in there how to make a good descussion and how to hear somebody out.

Hey @eNjiin,

I’m sorry to say but some of your facts are wrong, as others are pointing out. Since starting this thread you’ve got very defensive over it.

Confident strike has 3 windows of damage with three exact multiplier.

  1. 0-69.9% health (non-critical)
  2. 70-99.9% health (critical)
  3. 100% health (2x critical)

After many complaints from the community about the low damage of confident strike the Devs decided to add the extra one at the top where if the monster has exactly 100% health then it deals double damage. This is the same for all confident strike monsters (but not the move overconfident strike).

Dusicyon has the lowest attack stat of them all. This means it is most noticeable when the attack is dealing half damage… it can be quite pathetic if you’re attacking a monster which has high defence.

Personally, I really like this mechanic where just a single point of damage reduces the strength of confident strike. It works very nicely and all the confident strike monsters have ways to heal so it’s totally fair.

Also, Dusicyon is arguably the strongest monster in the game so it definitely doesn’t need any buff. None of the stuff mentioned here is a bug and when you’re looking at exact damage numbers make sure you’re taking note of the defence of the monsters you’re attacking. Damage numbers will vary a lot depending on their defence!

I’m locking this thread because everything has been answered and it seemed to turn into a bit of an argument.

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