Valzareign & Jingledragon

Jingledragon was in the Christmas egg, Although its a good monster , his damage could be a little bit higher in my opinion.

But what’s about Valzareign?
My second legendary was a Valzareign and i don’t use it anymore, cause it’s dying every time before it could bring a kill.

Any thoughts what we could do with this “useless” monster? Maybe an secret skill?

More confident strike damage.

Higher speed

Higher speed solv his problem around 50-60% would be fine
Idk about the damage i dont have him he looks good i like the design

Valzareign looks find that’s true, but unfortunately many players knows about his problem:

Is the healt under 70% he doesn’t make good damage.
Although poison touch with poison drain increases his health, he mostly died after that.

Hm. :-/

every monster have a weak point,or should have so we can take him down that way.this monster has a shield entrance,so it mostly covers the lack in speed and please dont compare the regular leg monsters with “spend money to get this monster and victory be guaranteed” types.i mean monsters like penguniator are created so devs can easily convince players to spend money(i dont blame them for this,but i think it could be somehow better IF  f2p like me has a chance facing these monster too!!)so please dont ask them to create or buff these regular leg to “ridicules” ones.

tnx all


You don’t get it. No one is asking for something ridiculous to happen to him, they just want to use him without it being a detriment to their team. Is that too much to ask?

Jingles moves are great, he just needs higher damage on dual conf. It shud be comparable to throw or protect killer, which shud kill all besides tanks and water types. After all he is a christmas monster and really falls short of the other ones offered. And valz, he needs a real buff. Firstly, I have no experience with confident strike but I think it shud one hit everything with less than 5k def. Second he needs a speed buff, and third I think that his passive shud be along the lines of shield entrance just without having to being activated upon entrance, it shud be something like disguise from mimickyu(he can take one hit without taking any damage) and thatl be active even in the fl. In that case his speed shudnt be in the range of 50s 60s, but shud be upper 40s. At least to be quicker than tters

I’m pretty sure both of you guys are more expert than me,but think of the 2types players,1) new comers are force to buy gems to build a team because these type Mons aren’t all time offered Mons,2)players those who haven’t these type monster,or any Mons to counter these.I don’t say he is perfect,all I said was let some monster be medium and there be more than one way to kill legs,another they I remember zard told me when I was complaining about I think deo,he said we can you fast move(poison I think he mentioned) to kill these monsters,so what if someone hasn’t piusion monster?just what I said before (buy guaranteed win’Mons).I only want to has a chance to play and enjoy.that’s all,and by the way,I’m fan of both of you guys,so if you said we need change, I absolutely agree,but please consider my opinion;)
Have fun

Let’s be honest, Valzareign’s moveset belongs to a super epic. If before his release the devs leaked his moveset without any other info, pretty much everyone would think it was going to be a super epic. I’m not even joking. Valz is just completely devoid of potency next to his peers. I mean, Jingle is a far, far superior version of him, and he sucks too. That’s got to convey something. I say they should pass his moveset down to Moltenpede(lord knows he needs some reinvigoration), and give Valz something completely different.

They sold Jingledragon for $ 200, which is worse than SE monsters. It is clear that they think the customer as a shi.t.


higher damage for confident strike of valzareign TU 130sec.
and i think he deserve a double confident strike :grin:

He his not that bad he only need some love from devs…i like the idea of 50-60speed,more damage on CS and i prabably change ultralux to step back
This way he could go way from big troublles and ex give the place for entrance mons and get his shield again…
He doesnt need ultralux anyway so step back would be much better i guess

Wow,I never count their price before since I never wanted to spend money, but boy this is very big number,I mean just imagine how many player want to spend money and how much that could be!so in this way,they should at least release a bit(!) More better monster,hope I get them too :slight_smile:

I have Jingledragon fully evolved recently after I got the cryptamid from UC, he is bulky but the damage, cmon he can hardly kill anything, he is not a tank so please more damage to dual confident strike or make it confident strike all with same 200TU or if still dual confident strike then make it 100TU and change Ultrablaze to bloodthirst coz seriously once he’s outta health and no more healing he is useless and ultrablaze is nothing. Buff Valza as well, increase speed to 60% and change it to dual con strike with 100TU or if still single confident strike then make it 70TU. This is just my idea but if there are better ones then please speak your mind. :slight_smile:

I’ll OK with making him better,but he can heal himself(I think even twice)
So that’s not problem,the big problem they’re talking about is lack of speed (I don’t have him so I can’t tell anything about him as correct as who they have him) and the TU.
Hope they create better monster so player can more enjoy.
Happy Valentine guys(and by the way,tnx Dev for 7 free gems :wink: )

He can heal himself normally 3 times, 2 from quick devour from his 2 summoned rockoids at the back and 1 from his secret skill, speed is not the problem but his damage. you could try using my jingledragon during online missions, just tell me if you want my friend code so that you’ll know personally how Jingle works. :slight_smile:

I have 2 free spot,so I can at least try him .

Just added you. :slight_smile:

hope you find nightlord useful :wink:
