First Mythical Monster Awakening

Hello guys, just started playing the game a week ago, and it seems that if you’re a free to play player, it’s almost impossible to acquire awakening on mythic monsters (as well as legendaries tbh, too hard to acquire ocarino even in events), i estimated to have my mythic awakening possibly for atleast 1 year of playing the game consistently. I also have said this because I can’t even play on pvp, my line up only has 1 legendary (6 star, not awaken) and the rest are S.Epics. My question is, is this really usual for free to play players? Or am I not doing so good as a f2p player? To all f2p out there, how many months/years have you played before acquiring an awaken Legendary and Mythic monster?

Edit: i also got a mythic (Momo), but i can’t habr her on my team yet, she’s still on her first form, and skills are not that good

It requires lot of time to awaken monsters as F2P. Maybe 2-4 in 2 years depending on luck. The crucial thing is not to miss fortune shrine which gives free gems once you save 500 ( 100-500 extra gems are obtained) every 20 days.

It tastes around 2200 gems to awaken mythic from scratch on an average. So you can base your calculations accordingly to that.

It’s a game where there is quite of grind and you get really rewarded longer you play. It’s little bit tricky at the start , but the focus should be to get to 500 gems and then hatch on good legendary banners with extra gems but never go below 500.

Momo is great , try to farm ingredients and you can get it second level and then it’s quite useful. It’s one of the really strong mythics in 2nd form and 3rd form when it’s awakened


I see, so the game really runs like this then. I felt kinda relieved after knowing that, thanks. Gotta grind for 2 years then.


You will start getting decent legends and think about awakening a mythic in a year considering you don’t miss shrines and pvp - they give good rewards. You will be competitive in 7-8 months and pvp you are matched generally with people of your level , though there some sudden increase once you reach 100 HR.

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well…should happen a lot more often if you do the shrine a few times. 2k gems in 5 months if you’re especially lazy. Is usually enough to awaken a mythic

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You can awaken 2+ in a year. During Anniversary Event.

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I too am a new, f2p player. I myself dont have many legendaries and 0 mythics. As Cantera has said, it really is best if you have enough gems for the shrine. And as for pvp, I myself am not a really good player but considering I hv 5 legendaries and 0 mythics, and STILL have a win rate of 60%, I think that quite good. You should consider yourself lucky for getting even 1 mythic within your 1st week of playing.