Feedback thread for "Killerdog's guides"

Just added two event ideas I wrote back in April to the “big ideas” section of KD’s Recommendations for the game. The first is a little like Island Challenge in some ways while the second is a bit like Dungeon Challenge… at least in terms of team building. However, the events are much more involved and might have widespread interest. Here they are…

6) Island exploration event ideas

“Return to the islands”
What we do is we’re given some starting monsters then go out and explore to find the powerful monsters, catch them, and build our team to progress through the islands. Each time they vary which are the powerful monsters available and where they’re hidden. Monsters are automatically trained/evolved when we catch them and we don’t get them outside of the event. There will be one new SE in the event somewhere which if we catch it then we get it gifted to our reward box.

There are trainers we need to beat for rewards, checkpoints only at towns (death sets us back to the last we healed at) and at the end of it all is a series of, say, 5 challenging battles that require different approaches to beat.

I think this would be a great way of encapsulating what the original offline story does in an event that can come out every few months for us to enjoy each time, rather than releasing another island which we go through in a couple of hours and never play again.

"The mythical isles"
Here we use our own teams and have to explore around increasingly tough islands, beating trainer battles to progress. At the end of the final island is a super boss version of a mythic.

We don’t get rewards for beating the trainers. Instead, we’re tasked to hunt down all the monsters (it’s a scientific expedition we’ve been sent on to study monsters by the professor). We need to find and kill each monster that exists in the wild and at milestones we get rewards. We have a counter on the screen for the island we’re on (e.g. 14/80) so we can see how many we still need to find.

The way team building is made interesting is you can only save your progress and heal if you make it to a checkpoint. These are towns around the place. It’ll be similar-ish to Dungeon Challenge for team building but you don’t have to go quite so extreme for survival and when it comes to the trainer battles you’ll need to be prepared for that challenging fight while also being able to both travel to and back from the trainer to the safety of a town.

This event idea has slightly more focus on exploration than the one above.

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