Hi, I’ve got all of the catchable arks aside from the hatchlings and starters, and I’ve seen the catch rate and counter mentioned before, and I was wondering if the counter registers all battles or just the ones in the same spot? Like if I was farming xp on the biteschools near Deucalis for 1999 battles for example and then warped to Agramis and went to the spot for Galey and did one or two battles (if it’s the 2000th or after 2000) would that count as the counter hitting 2000 or would the counter reset when I warp? I’m a university student so don’t have an awful lot of free time, so I was wondering if I could almost kill two birds with one stone by levelling my arks up and then jump over to catch a hatchling.
I’m not opposed to just sitting in one place farming like crazy to get the hatchlings, and I know that there’s a chance (albeit very small) that I’d find one before I hit the counter, but I usually have bad luck, so I’m trying to think of a way to maximise my time. Also, if nobody knows about the above, does changing places stop the counter? Like switching from Ashie to Galey for example. I know going back to the town doesn’t as I saw a post the other day that asked at question, but does swapping farming change it, like 500 battles with Ashie before switching to a Galey, does the counter stay at 500 or reset?
I think I’m basically asking how does the counter work really…
Any ideas or help would be appreciated as I’m really hoping to get an Omega to help with infinite dungeon and PVP
Also, I’ve had a look through the forums and not seen something like this before so if I’m in the wrong place then can someone ever direct me to the right place or shift the thread please? Thank you.
Edit: also does anyone know what resets the counter? My iPad has an annoying habit of restarting apps after hitting the home button, doing something else for a little while then go back to it when all I do is hit the home button and definitely not close the app, I know it’s nothing the devs can control cos it happens to YouTube and other apps so it’s clearly an apple thing. So I was wondering if the app restarting causes the counter to be reset
Hi, I’ve got all of the catchable arks aside from the hatchlings and starters, and I’ve seen the catch rate and counter mentioned before, and I was wondering if the counter registers all battles or just the ones in the same spot? Like if I was farming xp on the biteschools near Deucalis for 1999 battles for example and then warped to Agramis and went to the spot for Galey and did one or two battles (if it’s the 2000th or after 2000) would that count as the counter hitting 2000 or would the counter reset when I warp? I’m a university student so don’t have an awful lot of free time, so I was wondering if I could almost kill two birds with one stone by levelling my arks up and then jump over to catch a hatchling.
I’m not opposed to just sitting in one place farming like crazy to get the hatchlings, and I know that there’s a chance (albeit very small) that I’d find one before I hit the counter, but I usually have bad luck, so I’m trying to think of a way to maximise my time. Also, if nobody knows about the above, does changing places stop the counter? Like switching from Ashie to Galey for example. I know going back to the town doesn’t as I saw a post the other day that asked at question, but does swapping farming change it, like 500 battles with Ashie before switching to a Galey, does the counter stay at 500 or reset?
I think I’m basically asking how does the counter work really…
Any ideas or help would be appreciated as I’m really hoping to get an Omega to help with infinite dungeon and PVP
Also, I’ve had a look through the forums and not seen something like this before so if I’m in the wrong place then can someone ever direct me to the right place or shift the thread please? Thank you.
Edit: also does anyone know what resets the counter? My iPad has an annoying habit of restarting apps after hitting the home button, doing something else for a little while then go back to it when all I do is hit the home button and definitely not close the app, I know it’s nothing the devs can control cos it happens to YouTube and other apps so it’s clearly an apple thing. So I was wondering if the app restarting causes the counter to be reset
What resets the counterR? I heard it’s when you see & found the hatchlings. So clicking other spots or go to the town or exit the game apparently don’t reset the counter (confirmed by ADmin)
Clicking other spot over & over again won’t count, you need to keep farming on the 4 spots above argamis (so i’m afraid you can’t train at the same time).
Not sure about your luck with golden eggs, there will be a hatchling in every golden egg.
Ah okay then thank you both of you, looks like a long time farming to get that omega then haha and my luck with eggs is pretty poor I’ve got a samuraice (or snowja whichever one from that family that you can get from eggs) out of a golden egg but other than that my luck is awful, so all I’ve got is poor arks to feed my others up. I’ve started a new save and managed to get a hatchling from the first egg (thank you devs) so hopefully I’ll have better luck on that save, but thanks for the help.