Explain slayerbane all (link)

I got this fish with secret skill LINK slayerbane all, but im getting extremely confused.

A) I used this attack in PVP versus 3 foes + 1 camouflage foe and it didnt do dmg almost at all.
So i was thinking maybe there cant be monsters with camouflage on the field when i use slayerbane all.

B) I had this same situation in PVE battle but this time it killed all others expect the camouflage mon.

In both situations the skill was flashing (pls press me), but in other it failed and in other it succeed.
So what the hell is going on???

Can someone explain me game mechanics that affect when slayerbane all can fail and when it can succeed. pls

If the camo monster is the one with the kills, the move won’t do critical damage. It’s like if you use assassinate against sanctistag, it doesn’t do critical.

Just make sure another monster besides the camo monster has a kill and you’ll do critical to all the monsters! But you won’t hit the camo monster, because that’s how camo works.

Hope this helped!

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It deals damage based on the number of enemies that have kills. If a monster has camouflage or stealth then it is ignored, only getting the stealth removed by the hit. The move flashes based on whether any enemies have kills. It doesn’t take into account whether they have stealth.

Extra note: Slayerbane moves don’t care how many kills a target has. It always deals the same damage. For dual slayerbane / slayerbane all it’s simply about the number of enemies who have 1+ kills.

You should figure stuff out like this before trying to have a Neo YouTube channel @LeoFINuTube

You’re always being so down on people lately :confused:

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I’m amazed this isn’t complaining about the ridiculous damage it does.

Lmao look who’s talking

Its not Neo uTube channel.
Zero neo content, not single video.
Its just basic utube channel where i can post whatever i want.

24 latest videos:
2 Guild Wars 2
6 Rocket League
12 NHL21
3 Fishing videos (its my hobby in real life)
1 video about sex education and usage of condoms, how important it is. kids should educate themselves

And thanks for all answers, i got it now why slayerbane all can fail do dmg.