*** is that Devs

I just got my FL wiped out for MR penguinator at FL with is lovely slayerbane all
I dont killed anything on is team he just got is turn and killed all my FL… that lovely move say it does massive damage iff opponents have made at least one kill
So devs explain that
.I. Devs

Sounds more like a hack

the devs are doing what they can. You shouldnt blame it all on the devs,it’s obvious that this wasn’t a bug but a hack instead.

Well then its not enought…
Iff they concentrate on fixing bugs,gameplay,monsters,hackers instead of full is own pockets with money we all could enjoy this amazing game without this kind of situations…


Have you used


These moves count as a kill and slayerbane all would work.

Hummm I used backstab before on my balanceon
That count as a kill? I mean it should be a kill on enemy team not on own team

It doesn’t specify/state the kill has to be your enemies-

If I’m reading the above skill description right- it says if an enemy has 1 kill - back stab puts a kill count on your geo(enemy in this case) , which allows slayer bane all to work.

Correct me if I’m wrong though -

That is correct, or else bloodfury wouldn’t charge.

Hummmm nice to know that
Mods can lock this now

Apparently this wasnt a hack nor devs fault it was your lack of knowledge of the game mechanics. Apparently you own the devs a apology and this topic can be locked.
