Do you think Stegospike(Stun lizard) is too much unbalance(too good)

Stun with 100% rate and use very less TU.

It should be change in next update?

It’s changed in the next update. IF you read the suggestion section & what arks to be nerfed, stego is the most mentioned one.

I hope I am still alive when the update is released.

I think charcalynx should, not stegospike. But I suppose either way it will ruin the strategy.

Think it this way, statis is a great moveset, but stego’s stun is even better. Why?

  1. you can attack the monster you stun

  2. you can not cure it

  3. once hasted, you can pretty much do twice before any of opponent ark gets a turn.

  4. Timestrike is a nightmare combined with stego…

  5. The statis effect is once while stun stacks…