Disconnecting players and a credit score system

I don’t know if someone already said it but there are quite a lot immature players in pvp who disconnects instead of pressing the run button when they’re about to lose. Then you are stuck for 1and a half minutes. Although it is not much you could still use the time specially if it happens countless of times.

My suggestion would be to have a creditscore system where players can only play pvp with a certain credit score and disconnecting decreases your credit score. It can also work like low creditscore players would also face low credit score players.

I’m not really serious about this and it’s ok if no action is taken. I just thought it could make neomonster a bit better place.

literally right now just after I posted this it happened again :persevere:

Easy solution would be to make “Run” option available even during enemy turn.

People usually disconnect when they get controlled by enemy and only option to save time for them is to disconnect and reconnect .


what if the match is just starting and the other player gotdisconnected with the intent of reconnecting, that would be annoying too.

If you mean pressing run when the opponent disconnects and the win would be yours then that would be unfair for the other players specially if their winning who just got a slight connection problem.

No i mean , opponent should be allowed to run when it’s ur turn .

In both the screenshots , u sleep locked ur opponents so now they can’t forfeit . Hence , they disconnected… They probably disconnected when it was ur turn .

But if they do it intentionally , they succ

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oh i get it, but still cause on most of those screenshots the players tend to wait for their turn consume their seconds then disconnects. I just know their are probably pissed and can’t just accept loosing.

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Ye … that’s funny actually :joy:

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on the third screenshot, it was his dolphreeze turn and dolphreeze wasn’t asleep but still he choses to disconnect instead of running.

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Ye some rage quit. They probably had a bad day already and you wrecked them making it worse …

I replied here cos this credit system is never gonna happen cos we dont even have ingane clan system still …

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I know and I wasn’t serious about it anyway. maybe I just also want to talk about something or I’m bored😅

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If u want to keep urself entertained , you should open a thread that asks for stun counter delugazar or nerf ahuizard or the currently hot topic ongoing about padri or u can simply tag
@NMEGaryOak and say galvbane is for noobs… He will keep u entertained forever


I did made a few replies about that padrin nerf thread, I don’t really want them to change him since he is my best monster at the moment😂.

nice suggestions but I prefer stun counter to be on jack o scorp since I have him and he wouldn’t die to chrono killers😂

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I don’t like jack , maybe cos devs have spoiled me with so many low tu monsters .

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Great. Because I have bad connection, I can’t play pvp. That is super fair. If they implement this, they need to make their servers much less volatile, and also fix the bug that the Continue Battle option doesn’t work 50% of the time. I have won and lost countless games I shouldn’t have because of bad internet, and this would massively punish me for that.

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Credit system gives me a kinda authoritarian regime vibe. Where do I sign?


@Eyesdrops Most of the time if someone disconnects it won’t show they have until one of their monsters gets a turn. Then you have to wait 1 minute from that point to get the win. While some will be done from rage, a lot of the time it will simply be because they won’t get a turn for a while and they want to retreat. 1 minute is not very long to wait for your win.

I don’t think a credit system is a good idea for the reason there are some people who disconnect lots from bad internet connection. Also, it’s a way to abuse matchmaking to face a different set of people so might be an easier way to compete in PvP.

Having the option to run when it’s not your turn is the best solution for this. Most people would simply run rather than disconnect if this was possible.


Galvbane transcends n00bs and pros


It’s fine, as I’ve mentioned I am not really serious about it.

I agree with ya’ll. I guess it’s a simplier way to fix the issue.

My team vs

Enemy team FL… I even surprised myself that I stayed and watched. Give a good reason why I shouldn’t rage quit when the match is over when it has just started.?

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That would certainly help. But a lot of the disconnects I have happen when the opponent has their turn, AFTER they’ve completely stalled out said turn. I kinda doubt the option to flee whenever they want will dissuade those particular people

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