Defence of verosia build a good defence team

Bug during the defense of verosia event.

I’m not getting any wins @Dev_VKC for defense been playing a lot and nobody attacking it. This is first time it happened from playing previous events

no, that just means your defense is not quite as defensive as you think it is

:rofl: I have a good team my guy

I defence our monsters gets nerfed so they very likely to loose, it’s surprising how I got 1 defence win right now

Defence dont exactly get nerfed. AI is just bad meh at playing the game

If you keep playing after i think 160k points your defence gonna win alot easier as then everything gets super buffed

And people will only run into you wile you are playing tickets

Its the easiest way to farm the icon


I never got 60 def wins in two years isn’t that just terrible?

Thanks for the advice. I got 47 last last time and the previous one 51 and I played every time. This one seems worse since I don’t have any wins thus far

I dont really have much advice tbh i played this event ones when it first released to 200k points for the icon

And my defence wins got alot better after the super buffed switch up.

Do you have discord? Maybe we talk there. Btw, any advice on which monsters to use for the first ten and then the latter half?

The defense that matters is the first team. If they get past it, it won’t ever count as victory

What do you mean? The defense of the first team if they beat it but lose to second then it counts as your win right?

You still get points for beating the first team, even if you fail the 2nd team.

Yes but the opponent will get a defense win from you

I dont.

And just do like most players and play death revenge with aurodragon and athrasis. (Dont use protecters in fl have them enter later) If you have a Ydraig thats quite nice as alot of players use poison teams

For attack monsters like mecha angelion and carmilliette woolala etc general defuse and void monsters

I split this from the bug thread because it’s not really a bug discussion. If you want to talk strategy for building a defence team then feel free to do it here

I think you are the best person suited to build this man a team! Nobody else plays as much PVE afterall :wink:

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I was about to say, could you create a combination of two teams of 20 total monsters that could help get the 60 wins? I played this event for 2 years and have not been able to get it, so I must be doing something wrong.

I have not changed my defence teams since the last one much. You have to run some annoying strategies to face. This somehow already has 7 Defence wins.

The more annoying entrances the better. Mortilys with very slow monsters will be hard to beat by smaller accounts.

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Since they lowered the buff of the enemies in the event, it made getting 60 defence wins a little trickier. However, a couple of quick tips if you’re very keen to get it:

  • Spread out when you play your tickets. Each time you do a battle it will make your team available for others to face for a few minutes. So if you wait a few minutes between each battle then it maximises the number of people who will battle you.

  • Play past 160,000 (if you can), or otherwise later in the event. Then people are facing your team when it has a larger buff. In the first half of the event people have no team cost restriction but in the second half they’re stuck on 200 cost while your defence teams have unlimited cost.

As for what to put in a team:

  • Revenge monsters are always annoying to face and pairing them with any revival can sometimes work.

  • Guaranteed kill moves / piercing work even when your monsters don’t have a buff.

  • Be smart with secret skills, turning off ones that the AI doesn’t use well (e.g. Nebelronix’s instant risky heal).

  • Don’t bother with much stun protection or other things like that which are important for PvP teams. Getting stunned doesn’t matter much now we have temporary stun immunity and not everyone will do that to you anyway.

  • Don’t use monsters/strategies that require things to line properly to work (e.g. link without going full link, sleep).

  • Later in the event, switch to monsters that are devastating when they’re buffed (e.g. Infernicorn without SS).

Generally speaking, if you play PvE enough you’ll be aware of which monsters are annoying to face even when they don’t have a buff then switch to the ones that are annoying with a buff.

Here are the two teams I made ages (August 2023) back that I took screenshots of. I use slightly tweaked versions of them now but haven’t bothered getting creative with my new stuff because these get me the defence wins I need.

Team 1 I thought maybe it would clear the enemy stun protection and stun them. It’s then generic sweepers that are annoying to face.

Team 2 is some threats before the Auro + DR, making it harder to immediately deal with the Auro/DR. The end of this team was a bit weaker because I was looking for generic sweepers and I had fewer remaining at this point.

Damn I’ll try it out. Should probably do the mortilys in def 1 and then whatever that is def 2