Defence of verosia build a good defence team

This what I got so far. Any useful or change it? I have death revenge counter monsters in one team the other is kind of random but maybe mythic spam?

Why are there so many PvP monsters in that? What is Deathgazer achieving? What is Fyrielle going to do? Why so much payback killer?

First team:
Sturgeonidas is oddly placed. It wants union attack, especially since the opponents will face it debuffed for the first part of the event. Otherwise, your FL is fine. The rest of the team is basically useless apart from Asmodia. A person will easily kill those monsters before they are a problem or ignore them. For example, they can ignore Sturgeonidas, Sivanna and Aviaeronix (s), skip turn behind Freezecobra / kill it before bringing in Asmodia then kill the poison monsters one by one. Any purify and it shuts down all the poison monsters. Asmodia may not even be able to bow out yet if they kill through 3 of your monsters too quickly.

Second team:
A pile of conditional sweepers that overlap in the FL (2x protector killer, 2x payback killer) and a random SE that won’t do anything here because your monsters won’t go onto high TU for the GT. You haven’t even got 4 elements to try and do prisma vaporise. This FL looks way too inconsistent. Either go for prisma vaporise or remove Jurlungur. Mechangelion is good but don’t also use Baphogouge (and Aviaeronix in 6th, and Sephileon, and Voidress!!!). Bapho should only be there if you have link earth. I can see what you’re doing with Sephileon using a shield entrance next and two defence buff monsters plus Skyherra in front. That’s pretty cool and the type of thing you can expect to work in a defence team. Skyherra, Carmillette and Cyclophina are all good choices for any team.

So two words for you:
Generic Sweepers

Your stuff is way too conditional, has too much overlap (and on somewhat unnecessary stuff) and is using some monsters better suited for PvP. Use payback killer at high level / late stage defence of verosia only. That’s when people are more likely to run Auro+DR spam.

Ahh okay, maybe I’m overpreparing as if they are buffed. But for the early portion, what do you recommend to use as the monsters are not buffed?

How is this towards the beginning of event?

Those defence teams are far better! I’m sure you can do a better pick than Diamonoid though. Also, I see Medusa on your bench… that would be brilliant in one of the teams

For the latter half or when the monster gets more buffed can you show example of good team

Ldiefeath teams should not be taken for granted, however using Evie is a bit of a gamble, considering AI can’t figure out how best to use her most of the time.

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Any advice for this defense I’m struggling to get wins

So I’m not even half way with the wins and the monsters are getting buffed maybe I don’t have a strong team. Or not good enough team against these opponents

Only thing I’m gonna say is that the most annoying defense monsters aren’t necessarily the S+ mythics. There are a few legendaries that become incredibly annoying when they get a bit of a buff. I don’t want to name them because I don’t want my team to face them even more :stuck_out_tongue:

Even looking at your monsters from that picture @Wendigo, you shouldn’t have any problems in making a defensive team that can rack up 10 wins every time you use your 8 tickets.

Also in your first pic from 4 days ago, you had only faced a few teams. It’s normal to not get many def wins at the start because the monsters are nerfed to make the start of the event easier. When you reach 100k, that’s when you start racking them up.

If you could name a few annoying ones it would help me at least get me enough wins

You will get wins with what you have. Verosia is a weird event that doesn’t necessarily have as much to do with your team building as it does with when you play your matches. You basically have to get lucky and hope that there’s a lot of players playing at the same time as you. Its best to spread out your tickets playing only a few matches at a time then waiting for a while just in case you are playing at a time when not many other players are online. There will also be more wins available for you in the second half as it heavily favours players with a large collection when the full team opens up.

You are hero rank 300? You really should know what monsters are annoying to face in PvE by now lol,

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Try to build a team that would beat your attacking team. That’s when you start getting defensive wins!

I been playing 2 years and have not been able to get the reward as I have been using my collection to try and play when others are playing but always fell short. The attacking for 200,000 is very easy to get but it’s the defence where you need to get alot of wins that struggle with. The last one I was at 47 and the previous 51 and so on…

As for making a team, I don’t know if players really go beyond the 160000 as there is no good reward beyond that and likelihood that most players don’t care about the last reward and they stop before the buff and so players that struggle to get wins in the beginning will not get any after the buff due to this lack of good reward beyond 160000.

-This is not the main reason you mentioned, the reward reason is the second reason, the first reason is that this event consists of long and boring matches after the slots are opened, and the second reason comes into play here. Players do not want to play matches that are already long and boring, and it is normal that the number of people playing is low when the rewards are not satisfactory. The only reward there is to go to the advanced level is the icon and I don’t think the person who gets it once will play for the advanced level again.

-As for the 60 defense victory icon, the slots are now open but there are still 6 days until the event ends and I don’t think most of the players have reached 160k. I think you should stick to the defense setup that can kill normal monsters. Switch teams for buff defense 2 or 3 days before the end of the event

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I don’t know. I have reached 200,000 point a have a strong team on defence yet I have my worst performance of all seasons so far with lower than 40 wins. That doesn’t make any sense. I used all the stamina each day so not sure what the deal is with these defence wins. I have OP monster combos

Currently at 63k with 46 wins already, will easily reach 60 before 100k. I started to play one day later than the event started.

The reasons I think might be affecting your defensive team’s performance: as you’re now at 200 k, it means you probably started playing early like all the other players that grind a lot. I think your team will be matched with other people that are at a similar score than you and they usually have the best teams as well, which means they can beat your defensive teams, even though you have good monsters.

Another reason might be that you put monsters in your team that AI can’t use properly. For example you would think that Cyclophina would be a good, strong choice? Nope, AI uses the 160 TU move and is a dead weight if everything doesn’t line up accordingly.

Think about ‘unorthodox’ monsters that are bad when unbuffed but super strong when buffed. Also think about what monsters people usually put in their team, and what is the mindset of people when they build an attacking team. What monsters do they put in attacking team 1 and 2?

I think you’re right I’m not matched with others because my attack score is way too high and my hero rank is maxed out. I’m way lower in wins than you.

Any ideas of strong teams for buffed I’m having little to no wins everyday and the event is almost over

How many wins do you still need? Just put fast monsters in FL with some void/nullifying moves then a few payback killers or Mechangelion. Monsters that spam Slash All/AoE. Poison monsters are super annoying as well.