Complete Monster Location List (Part 2)

It wouldn’t let you catch it because it’s only available through missions and gold eggs. 

It was probably summoned by something.

YOU ARE THE BEST, i was slowly killing myself looking for stuff

Where can I find shadowlance recipe

Are the old OM released , cuz i begin too see them many times on the PvP

I don’t think they can add any arks in the wild unless there’s an update as this is not an online game, correct me if I’m wrong.

& there hasn’t been any formal announcement of it even going to happen.

Its just people that get the OM arks from eggs and people that get OM arks from going super fast (and idk how they go so fast) :confused:

Can u plz update list i would like to see whats here and whats not

What’s not updated? I just updated it yesterday. 

Is there any news of an update comin soon???and when u do the online missions like this week with windra y is it that u hav to get the third 1 from an egg because I finished it but missed th egg

I found a krake in the exact same spot as the skullrex. I accidentally killed it but it was there! Lol

A gargol probably summoned it

Just so you do know. Twiggy (225) Evolves into twigster (226) at lvl 38. Not 35. I just evolved mine

Whoops, fixing. Thanks!

Hey guys I’ve been fortunate to pick up three pretty good arks from the gold eggs curtesy if infinite dungeon. These arks inclue 2 frilzeons, 1 spinoflame and a mine spider.

I’ve found that the frillzeons die really easy so I think that if I’m gonna use them I need to use the dessert drop ocarina. As for the mine spider not sure how to use it, any tips how to use mine spider to its full effectiveness?

Use mine spider as a last resort ark (back of line up) and use it’s time bomb move

… protect Minespider with a tank such as Barricadus or Shadowstalker, then you use metallize to keep it alive for 100 TU, then on its turn again you use time bomb. It’s for PvP, not for single player. And we should be talking about this in a different section :wink:

Yep listen to Ashley she’s omniscient

Seen octoneer and kamiwyrm by a Chinese (I think) gamertag

Octoneer? No one should have that except beta testers…

Plot twist