Bring back guarantee pack

I rather have guaranteed pack than 4 gems per roll. At least when u roll you knew you would get the leg u want. Bring it back please. And i understand mythical are supposed to be rare so to fix that make them guaranteed in 12 pack. That way they will still be rare and people have a chance to get them


Only p2p will get them in 12 packs, and good luck with getting the dupes for the awakening.

I kinda like the way it is now. Roll only on x50% chance (4%->6.1% for legs, etc) with x10 chance for featured, so for 40 gems a pack it really nice tradeoff, even without guaranteeds.

Im so sick of saving for 300 gems everytime i wanna hatch, now the game is alot less grind themed and alot more f2p friendly (p2p still got the advantages, but it still more luck based)

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I disagree. The new way is better. Lack of guarantee is compensated by more hatches and bigger chance of featured.

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6 packs for 1 guaranteed is painful to grind for… This new system is better imo. But some have been really really unlucky…

And I don’t think making mythic guaranteed even at 12th will be a good idea… It will make game p2w entirely .

honestly the 10x has been kind to me more then the guaranteed egg,

in guarantee I would roll and only end up getting the main featured monster, while in the 10x I also end up getting the other featured monsters along with the main one.

Just become f2p, i havnt spent a cent since the new system and i aint missing out on anything. Its easier to just save gems and open up few packs at a time. No point wasting youre money on a gamble.

Nah new system is better, no discussions, you risked the biscuit there. Making mythics guaranteed at 12th pack is only asking for more gem purchases

More gem purchases means more money for the devs. How is this a problem?

I want the guaranteed featured every 6th back. This x10 crap is a dream being sold.

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If the big spenders stop spending on this the company will bring back 6 gauranteed. The company makes their money on the unlucky players, aslong as they keep spending alot this system will stay. When they decide to stop spending the company will feel it and change.

To me in particular, I did not favor the new system at all, I saw many who were favored, I really prefer to gather the gems necessary to reach a goal that “try to get something out”. It is very frustrating to burn 300 gems and nothing comes out of nothing, just a repeated Legendary! :man_facepalming:t2: LOL

It’s a pretty trashy way to game. It’s nice for the devs but that’s about it. Having major content locked behind a pay wall and because of the random gatcha element you don’t even know how much it costs to get past. It’s really amazing to me, how much some are willing to spend on gambling and then pay more when they lose. I don’t want to be the unlucky guy who spends 300 gems and gets all dupes. The guarantee gives you at least some control over the randomness.

Well it comes to that:

Option 1 - higher chance to get great things for low cost, but also a chance to get nothing after alot of hatches (current methud).

Option 2 - you WILL get 1 featured you want after alot of hatches, but probally thats all you gonna get. Also, in a 50/50 egg, you can get the one you dont want (300 guaranteed).

Personally, after 3 years of playing, i hatched only ONCE a featured legendary that wasnt guaranteed (chrome is my bae). Also, in a 50/50 eggs, i got what i wanted only TWICE. thats 3 years of playing, partly p2p (far from heavy), so imagine how many 300 packs i opened (both x10 and festivals), and the frustration i felt.

Now, in the new system, i opened 3 packs for 120 (all i had) and got both malwing and gyo. It was lucky, but also cheap, grindless, and something i havnt expirience in the whole 3 years ive been playing.

I just hate the feeling of saving for 300 gems just to get 1 featured that you wanted less out of the 2. The new system let you hatch alot more often (only 40 gems, no need to save for 300).


This is true.
Last 3 special eggs , I’ve got 4 featured , 3 normal legendaries and 2 mythics out of 12 packs and few singles.

If it was old system, I would have got max 2 featured… I like this system :grinning:

U’ll also get lucky guys. Press hatch button casually , like don’t expect anything… Like Whistle or something and stay calm… RNG god likes casual hatching !! If u get desperate and keep clicking , u’ll lose gems… #BadPsychology

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Wow, tremendous luck!

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Well at option 1 I wouldn’t call that a high chance considering it’s 6% chance if getting a legend at all. At the guaranteed featured you said already you got barely featured ones even they were offered the same with 10x more chance to get them compared to normal ones

I’ve gotten more limiteds out of this system then I ever got on the last one.

Keep it how it is please.

The unlucky players will ask for guaranteed legends back and whoever got lucky will ask for 10x to remain the same. We get it guys lol


Y’all basing your answer off your luck?? I’m not gone continue this thread than. It’s no way y’all rather relieve on luck than guarantee. Y’all can have it.

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Well he spoke the truth. You create this thread because of that. No need to hide that fact. I can understand that you are mad because I got it several times too lol

Everyone here’s seen numbers on packs.

On average it’s better.

If you’re not average then feels terrible.