Brand new!

Just got the game today and i have read through KD new player guide that gave some details but still looking for more info. I played Hunter island and really enjoyed that game.

I guess monsters can not be found in game anymore and they all must be bought with gems. I guess my main question is can this be played without money or will i need to pay to get a competitive team going

What can i do as a free player to get the ball rolling faster

Spending money when you’re new to the game can get you competitive much faster, but it’s definitely not necessary. I have played for free for 3 years now and am one of the most competitive players. For free it takes roughly 1 year before you can be competitive at the top level in PvP, but completing events and making strong teams can come after 6 months or less.

Almost all monsters are gained from spending gems on eggs. Carefully using your gems to pick up legendaries that will help make strong teams and spending them at times it is 1.5x chance of a legendary is what will get you far in the game.

Hey thanks for replying my dude!
Its good to know that free can be competitive with time. I just got to the tropical map can you give me any pointers on what i should be doing this early on. I have not spent my early gems in anything should i wait for a special?

Yes you should wait for festival eggs as they have high chances for legendaries and mythical.also on all islands don’t forget to capture rare mons in wild and dungeons.also u can get some super epics and 1 legendary on islands,there r many video on YouTube regarding there location

Right now there is the newcomer eggs with 6.1% chance and i can get 10 im not sure if this is good or i should still wait

Lmao high chance. Your cute

It’s worth doing.

Well i went ahead with that pack and got one legendary Emeraldeus. Not sure if he is any good or not maybe you guys can help me build a team.

Start over again, its hard to use Emerald if its alone, you need hellfox, stratus, reven, and others

My current team. Im not sure if this will carry me very far

Did the new player guide get deleted?
Can Norax be obtained from the story line still

I think the original may have been deleted. If it hasn’t, I know that it got wrecked by the forum change and it was out of date anyway. I wrote a more recent version, hope it helps: KD's New Players Guide

Yes thats the one i was using. Some of the monsters locations that are marked on the maps i cant find. Like glitchy-sunboy-lunaling

Interesting, I’ll investigate myself. Maybe they changed things but that would be quite surprising

I did find lunaling in that spot but i had better luck in a different spot for sunboy and i still havent found glitchy.
Also whats the fastest way for me to get gems? Im at 31 gems and have 4 days left to get to 40 for the beginners pack