Best use of gold?

I bought 5 gold eggs recently and the best thing I got was a 8.5 star ark. Everything else was absolute garbage. I have no luck with getting fevers so idk if the arks are better then but I have no luck. Is there some other better use for gold? I will always have atleast 109 for rare arks

I believe the egg spin will be fixed to make it more fair

That said, the only real use for gold is for the eggs

I would suggest saving up the golds and wait for the update. After removing egg timing, I am expecting the devs to remove the junk Arks from gold eggs.

You are right~ at now the rate of getting a garbage is too high, not worthy to spend gold on it. If that’s the case I would definitely be willing to spend real money on golds!

They may not necessarily remove them, just lessen the chances of getting arks that shouldn’t be in the game yet
I’m saying that as a forewarning so no one gets their hopes up having the weak arks removed

One could only hope! I mean, this could be very good considering there are only really 4 or 5 really good arks that aren’t available in game. The rest of the egg exclusives are outclassed by in game arks like omega, angeleon, ect. Your on to something I think, so maybe I’ll just make a topic in suggestions!

I would save them for those S arks you find when you’re grinding/farming. 

Hahah just got a gold egg from a mission and got the pre evolution of jabbit. I think it was 2 and a half stars. It almost landed on 500 gold but went back to the rabbit just to tease me

Best use of gold currently: save them until you find an obviously good reason to use them, which will likely come in a future update. But I do hope the developers are careful here.