Asmodia and Nauticruiser buff??

I know it’s super super early, but both of these monsters look a little on the weak side. Not all monsters have to be ridiculously strong. However, it would be nice to see them functioning how you’d expect.

Normally I’d go fire my suggestions right at the devs. However, I wanted to hear what smart ideas other people have.

Issues = Very little to do on its roaring entrance turn and even if it turns out there’s often a target for “bow out” I feel like you’ve probably left that monster alive for a reason. Instant poison storm doesn’t do damage. It doesn’t offer enough damage potential considering it is easy to kill and the damage moves are too restrictive.


  • Make the SS do damage (this looks like a mistake).
  • Make whip have “100s from start of battle” restriction (the damage is low so it’s not like it’s OP).
  • Make bloodthirst be venom bloodthirst in the final form.

Issues = Firstly, awesome design and nothing wrong with needing another monster to charge it. The Nautipod created come with base stats and take 78s to get a turn. Nauticruiser relies a lot on them and they’ll die way too easily before their turn.


  • Make them come with max stats but half speed OR max speed but base stats (max stats = they survive and are decent enough sweepers, max speed = they are great for charging Nauticruiser but die easily)

I know that creating monsters is coded in a certain way so that suggestion is probably awkward. However, it’s easy to see from practice that right now those Nautipod are lacklustre and need some help to do what they are built to do.


Hmm It does sound good.Theres no hg so for the clones so I don’t see any broken things But I prefer it’s uniqueness so I have no problem on the same way it is now

KD? Buff thread less than 24 hours after a monster release??? It inspired me to make a meme!

Just joking, to be honest both of them seem to be kind of lackluster, especially Nauticruiser.


So Dev VKCs profile was a teaser itself for this guy

@Dev_VKC the artwork for Nauticruiser is rad, let’s get more guys like this moving forward.

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I’m guessing you pulled both these monsters? :joy:
I think it’s to early to ask for a buff. At least finish ranked and see what people can do with them. .

Please don’t encourage them to buff Hentai monsters!


Don’t think kd even rolled yet, just a feeling tho

I haven’t rolled yet haha but my brother did pull the mythic before I had the chance to tell him to wait for Monday (where there will probably be a second festival).

I just tried these monsters out in the test battle so got to see their inner workings and some things about their use are pretty clear. I hope they can get some minor tweaks to make them viable. They both look like they’d be a lot of fun.

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He wouldn’t roll if he doesn’t think they are worth it to begin with.

Actually I will be rolling, because I have neither Baublebasher or Blitzdyr and this is a festival so it’s a good opportunity to open a few packs and see if I can grab something new. I’d also love to own Nauticruiser just because it’s a very cool design and I’d like to make an energy team in the future (a big reason why I was so disappointed I didn’t get St. Togala after 10 packs in that egg). I enjoy getting interesting monsters more than the powerhouse ones.


This is everything



Asmodia’s whip is sad, I couldn’t one shot an unevolved epic. I know it’s only 70TU but it should at least be able to one shot an epic (I know the epic is buff but its only a little buff)

It whip that auto protector and only dealt half its hp

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Monsters in that event are overbuffed though, a normal Sandpile would get absolutely killed .

Well yeah​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I’ve been waiting for a poison Roaring Entrance monster for a year now, so just please, PLEASE give her something to do on her first turn!

The whip suggestion is perfect: she’d be strong but limited on where she can be used for teambuilding, giving her a niche among both Toxic Entrance and Roaring Entrance monsters, given that both are often used in the early-mid game.

Also whip’s damage doesn’t 1-shot, unlike Goch or the bird girl, so it’s not like it would be that strong.

I do believe that the Bloodfuri buff might be one step too far though: she’s a roaring entrance monster that can, under the right situation, get a kill with a 59tu move. Venom Bloodthirst would be a better choice in my opinion, that way she has a way to poison besides her entrance in her awakened form.

Instead I’d give her something useful, but overcosted, as SS, here are a couple of ideas:

  • Toxic Retreat (cost: 3) - retreat, but can only be used if the user has been poisoned for the past 50tus. Basically a nerfed retreat that can’t be used on her first turn and is counterable with purify all.

  • Performance Issues (200tu, costt: 3) - immediately kills the last monster that entered the field. I’d give this a tu restriction on her first turn, but if someone wants a Toxic Entrance without the monster attached, I’d say that 17 is a steep enough cost. Also recalls Bow Out.

  • Swift Purifier Killer (50tu, cost: 2) - deals critical damage to any monster with a skill the skills Purify and/or Purifying Mist.

I’m really not a huge fan of overpowered mythics, so if any of these SSs are too much tell me so.


Nice new account and nickname only to ask for a buff :rofl:

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Desperate times call for desperate measures.


A man of true commitment.

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I like the sound of that more too. Very fitting with the design!

I’m not so sure about the SS change though. I like the poison storm.

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