Arkwing vs starter dragons?

Is arkwing stronger than the 4 starter dragons?

Define starter dragons. Do you mean like Ashie bluey galey etc?


Well… Hard to say. Alone ark wing is stronger than one or two of them alone… But the wyrms can fuse into omegawyrm which is really strong. I would say get all xD

An Omegawyrm is definitely one to get. I’d recommend getting a Typhonwyrm and a Magmawyrm too. Preferably good ranks so you get a few BAs in battles.

omegawyrm is amazing i have him he has the edge especially since he has no type so really no weakness

Sort of on topic - I got an Infernowyrm right at the very start from my first ever gold egg. Love him to bits, he served me well throughout the whole story and he plays his part well in PVP. Funnily enough I never see him against me and he doesn’t get mentioned much around here. Do I overrate him, or am I one of a few that have been lucky enough to get him?

He has some strong attacks, but his defence’s aren’t that great, and he damages himself without the ability to heal (at least without sacrificing other arkadians in the process).

So for PvP, in the higher leagues there’s better choices out there which is why you wouldn’t see him used that much. In the lower leagues I imagine not a lot of people would have him. For the storyline he could be very useful though.

There is a strategy that makes him useful in PvP, where you use a Firequeen to summon ant workers so you can heal him without sacrificing  any of your 15 arkadians, although it requires using up a spot for Firequeen.

He’s pretty much a weaker version of Triphoon, and Triphoon can heal himself without sacrificing.

He is better than non-fused dragons, his element is elementless. Can OHKO minespider. Has a move that only costs 100 TU, decent aoe & single move.

How do I obtain said arkwing?

collect 101 arks from diff familys

Is Typhonwyrm, Magmawyrm and Triphoon able to get inside the game without the use of gold eggs?

Like maybe Omega or something?

^Triphoon was an old OM, so not available
Magma and typhon are fusions of the four hatchlings, and omega is a fusion of magma and typhon.

How do I know when I have collected these ark adions from said families?

Go to the castle and it will tell u how many u have. By family it means one ark from an evolution chain, like if I got a smoke pup and a beowolf it would only count as 1 ark for the quest

89… Good progress:D another random quick question, how do I get a picture on here? :slight_smile: as in for my profile

Umm go to profile and tap ur picture

Arkwing has ALOT of disadvangtages in that situation firstly, the hatchlings are fusable could make omegawyrm which is a yes yes for me if omegawyrm vs arkwing arkwing will lose by around 35% if it was all 4 hatchlings full evolved versing arkwing it would be a whole different story because all four has one unique move that attacks 2000+