Aight who needs a buff the most? (6★)

Simple curiosity. You can choose two if you think both are in dire need of a buff.

  • Taloknight/Apollodragon
  • Rexotyrant/Kamishogun
  • Serapheon/Solariel
  • Shadowhunter/Stormloch
  • Mechaviathan/Lavaronix

0 voters

Wheres ankou/ankou option?

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Mulasem and triadrakhan crying in the corner



@Unown @TheCroutonGuy @VNchaohunter I shoulda clarified: this poll is for the OG monsters, the ones present since release/shortly after release (but identical moveset). Making one with all problematic 6★ would be too much of a choice to handle.

You Tonto forgot about Kamiwyrm and Shadowyrm

Damn you’re right, I’m a bit of a Tonto. They sure do deserve a buff.

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Sorry I accidentally put my vote there

All of them except mecha and lava

Why accidentally? You’re perfectly entitled to your opinion.

@NMEduck you are a madman

OkOh I read it wrong I thought that the og players are supposed to vote I didn’t read it mons properly

Ahhhh yeah, I reread and it’s ambiguous. Editing now

Warca and bazil should be in the poll

Warca is so much better now why a buff.Maybe purifying mist could be good and Bazil he needs a buff

Warca got 2 very good passives the one that stills extremely bad is Bazilogon (why devs didn’t give it stun immunity and purifying Mist)

I have literally not seen a single Warca or bazil in this pvp

That’s because Warca got Stun Converter instead of Stun Immunity so hes weak to the rampant amount of Chrono Killers in PvP along with the very popular Raizen

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Oh I’ve seen one but was in FL along with Esapizeron, Cryokaizer and Wolfrozor and the strategy was using Assisted Water AoE. I thought I had died and accidentally ended up in hell.

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The poll is now closed. Taloknight/Apollodragon got ⅓ of the total votes and Rexotyrant/Kamishogun got one vote more. And this is great, since I have both the latters.

Yes excellent, buff Talo and apollo to have stun immune