1 - The Shadowy Lightmare

Mine is sort of similar to this but mixed it up and made some changes. On an 11 win streak in masters ATM and have beat to original one a couple of times using it :slight_smile:

when two teams that are very similar go against each other, luck is a big deciding factor. Keep that in mind n.n

Oh, and if people who run this strategy notice “Hmm…I keep losing to this one guy with this one team…” then that guy is probably me. After all, I may release great teams, but why would I release ones that can beat me? Hmm? :slight_smile:

Maybe I’ll release some of my best teams for christmas…I don’t know, we’ll see.

Thanks! Does Orcow’s Fang Break work even w/ Orcow’s sacrificing itself?

They have to attack orcow for fang break to work. Cant really attack something thats no longer there.

Nice guide. One question though, what if your opponent Scramble you? Especially if Scapegoat + Stun skinner + putting Chopperbug at the 4th position, this will guarantee a successful scramble.

After scramble, Orcow and Pegasion, and potentially Mossgolem, will become almost useless.

Another thing that majorly hurts this strategy is Vortexor’s banish. But that’s not a threat since Vortexor isn’t yet out. 

Understandably, these strategies are meant for the current times :wink:

in that case, gremknight should knock it back. There are always several situations that can pop up, and I tried to make sure that there are ways to stop that.

Of course. Vortexor and Chopperbug are the main “uh-oh” monsters…however, that is true for EVERY strategy out there. I’ll be making counters to that later…too lazy now, as vorty isn’t a major threat at the moment n.n

You bet that I’ll come up with a stasis counter sooner or later :wink:

You can build a counter for any strategy, but you never know which one you’ll face in public PvP… 

True…but I can always use an Anti-Ashley team for private :smiley:

good job, Tib, it is a good strategy~~

Why thank you :slight_smile:

Please guys sorry this may be nercroing but this is intersecting but I don’t have vegitiger moss golem pegasion mine spider edit or omega

So why did you post here ? :slight_smile: spamming ?


This strategy is really good. Just used it myself and won with like 4 arkadions in my bench. But due to a bug it said I lost… :frowning: The only thing about this strategy is the orcow part. Because SS doesn’t hit all enemies with dream hunt, you have to take 3 turns to take them all out. I kinda wanna replace that part with roid guard to summon all those arkadions in the back and then use arks with abilities like throw and blood magic. Is this a good strategy?

You could hit all three with that reaper ark, I haven’t played in awhile (been waiting for MI), and that would probably kill all 3. If not you could always Aoe. I personally think roidguard isn’t amazing. Most good users would kill it on sight, and now that stego is nerfed, there is not many ways to reliably summon. Although, if you wanted to, you could try having your first 3 arks be expendable, but still be able to have a good start strategy, so that If they get “vortexor’ed” you can just throw or blood magic. I have a few pretty good strategies on some of my old guides.

This was one of dozens of strategies I released to the public, though I stopped a long time ago.

This was the very first, and largely outdated. 

I remember when most of the teams you saw had a setup similar to this. I also remember using Charcalynx and Stegospike…and then it got popular and we needed counters. Good times, good times.

So yeah, I can still suggest teams with my knowledge of monsters, but I don’t know what the current “meta” is so to speak…but most of these teams were made before monsters were released. And a handful have monsters that still haven’t been released.

But hey. Whatevs.