Youth fruit Hard to get ?

Hey guys , is it just me or the youth fruit is way too expensive.
Firstly you need 1 gold key to unlock the youth fruit dungeon.
Secondly it opens for an hour
Thirdly it costs 15 tokens ( so basically you can only do one run)
Fourthly you get 3 of that fruit per run.
Next the youth fruit only adds 3 training sessions.
Furthermore , it costs 5000 silver coins to buy one youth fruit that you have already got.
( on a side note , if you don’t have silver coins , use a gold key to unlock the coins dungeon … And so on …)

Getting bored over here.
No faster way ?

Thats what i was writing exactly in this moment! I’m getting mad, i have 20 exp points that i cant use because i have to get the youth fruit but 3 for run its like nothing. 15 keys for run are too much considering that at rhe beginning we have only 15-20 keys of maximum . Means 1 run …

I know its so annoying

And… Guys… There are 900+ monsters but the epic , super epics and legendaries are not easy to get without money lol. You cant find them in wild , so only with gems. And gems are… Hard to get also. Was easier in hunter island

yeah it’s ridiculous I’ve got 70 points that I can’t use because I have nothing to use them on we barley have any tickets and we only get a key once a day that unlocks a single mission for a hour.

yeah we get one gem for every chapter of the game we finish and need 5 for one roll which is were every single good monster is because all the epic and super epic and even rare we used to get in the wilds or from fusion in hunter island are now p2w only which is just bad because the story mode is very hard not impressed this game makes it very obvious what it wants which is a shame the story and characters are good but three days in and I’m bored because I have nothing to grind and I feel force to take my current team because I don’t have anything else that can advance the story and I’m still getting my ■■■ kick.

Bit disappointed by this too. Paid 79p and can only get good monsters through p2w

You get a gem every 10 days. You get dozens of gems through chapters. You get a dozen or so additional gems from the storyline.

And keep in mind there will be PvP rewards. So yeah. It’s not out, and when it is I reckon your complaints may die out.

Youth fruits are equally difficult for everyone to get. Super Youth Fruits, however, give 10 days each. And once you’re strong enough, and they’re out, it’s VERY easy to get em. Progress is exponential.

Calm down folks. It’s difficult right now, but that’s because you don’t yet have access to higher level stuff. Did you expect this to be an easy game? It’s harder than in HI, yes. But that’s what makes it fun. It’s not like you’re the only disadvantaged one, everyone struggles and strategizes together.

And again, more gems and youth fruits are available than you think.

game,however, supposed to be fun, not struggle and confusion:(

I think Tib summed it up well. how fun would it be to get all things done in a week or two?

Tib good job on explaining. Why do people wanna finish this in few days?

Lol I dont find it that hard, just be patient

Because we don’t i just want to use the 89 training points I have which I can’t because I’ve use allmost all my sessions on 90% of my guys I’ve also hit the cap for how many monsters I can have.

Where are you up too theirs a massive difficulty spike around the last boss of the second last island and the chapter 3 which means fighting 6+ rares and epics 2 to 4 super epics and 1 or 2 legendary switch near max stats vs your team of 6 epics if your rolls are bad plus several rares most of which stats aren’t max because you need more sessions if your going to put a bunch of overpowered teams who have no cost and better monsters on the main story at least let us grind.

Also as I said in another post the last ruins on the ice island is overpowered or bugged or something I only beat it by luck with 1hp on my last guy who only survived because the opponent attacked the wrong guy the last 5 turns in a row it took me till I got halfway though the last island before I could win and I beat the other ruins on the second last island easily.

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Would you believe it if we said that things were too easy during Beta?

I could beat the game within a couple hours. I used 4 AoEs monsters as my starting lineup. Didn’t lose a single one all throughout master league. MASTER league. I just spammed the same moves. Would you have preferred that game? Sounds like you might…but the rest of the world probably wouldn’t.

I’ve made it a VERY good point as a tester to delete my account and restart. With every single new build up through development. Including the release.

And guess what? I’m on my second run through of the game. Yep, already beat it. Admittedly, at that point that was my account from a bit before release, and fruits were easily obtainable back then even in Advanced League. However, most of the gameplay I went through in the new, public version.

However, I’m strutting along on a perfectly new account. As a player, not a beta. No bug-fix gems. No lasting fruit/silver/ingredient benefits. No inflated hero level. Nothing. I’m starting from the same point as everyone. And I’m doing just fine.

Things are hard. Of course they are. It wouldn’t be a substantial game otherwise. And  again, you can get youthfruits outside of the youthfruit dungeon!!! I’ve said this so many times. 

And if you thought the last ruins on the ice island is overpowered? Try the last ruins on the last island for Blurbeak. I dare you to try that. I could do it. Granted, I was lucky…I know it’s hard. I barely won. It was as hard as the Grand Champion battle. 

But it’s possible. And again, progress is exponential. Be patient. Don’t try to rush through the game.

Where are you up too theirs a massive difficulty spike around the last boss of the second last island and the chapter 3 which means fighting 6+ rares and epics 2 to 4 super epics and 1 or 2 legendary switch near max stats vs your team of 6 epics if your rolls are bad plus several rares most of which stats aren’t max because you need more sessions if your going to put a bunch of overpowered teams who have no cost and better monsters on the main story at least let us grind.
Also as I said in another post the last ruins on the ice island is overpowered or bugged or something I only beat it by luck with 1hp on my last guy who only survived because the opponent attacked the wrong guy the last 5 turns in a row it took me till I got halfway though the last island before I could win and I beat the other ruins on the second last island easily.[/quote]

I’m nearly done with chapter 3 on last battle of league soon to be done, 2nd day of playing, Like 7-10 hours put in. Nearly ultra evo of my starter (3 percent away)
Edit:ultra evolved fire starter by finding 4 youth fruits in fire dungeon in 1 run hmm
Edit 2:beat advanced league got super rare from egg

First off you just stated that you beat the game on a save that had in your own words easily obtainable fruits which is 80% of the reason people are stuck and haveing beta knowledge is a pretty big advantage also I’d love to know how far you are in the your second save I’m at the the 3rd trainer on the last island and the first ruins in chapter 3 last boss they have like 10 epics or higher each.

Yes I know they drop in dungeons it’s still not any were near enough(also I didn’t know still today) and a game being hard is fine but hitting your head against a wall hopeing it will crack is not or in more simple words at some point the game stops being about strategy or I’ll grind for a few more hours and it starts being about I hope I’m lucky and he doesn’t do this 5 times per battle if your going to make the fights so hard with them having only 4 star and up most Of which are ultra evolved then don’t lock 90% of the 4 stars and even some 3 stars behind gems and a few overpowered ruin bosses which you can’t even get too and Stop you from putting to many strong monsters because of your cost.

The ice ruins are overpowered from where they are don’t you think the next 2 ruin after it should be stronger not weaker if I had too give a rating it would be ice ruin 10 the next two are a 4 and the ruins on the last island are 15 and yes I need to be more patient sorry about that game crash on a really hard fight just as I killed the last guy and it didn’t save so I’m a little annoy so sorry about.

Gimme a day. 

And you talk about fruits, eh? Well as you said, you didn’t even know about the other obtainable fruits until today, eh? Yet you still formed a judgement? Hmmm…

Beta knowledge, you say. The movesets were changed. The teams were changed. The systems were changed. We’re not omniscient. 

And yes, I know that they have tough monsters. I beat all of chapter 3. 

The difficulty of that Ice Ruin was addressed during Beta. It might not have been fixed, but many of them were. It’s new. It’s a new game, I’m sure they’ll fix that ruin. 

Yes this game is difficult. But no, this game isn’t as difficult as you’re making it sound. It’s hard. But it’s not godly. Said beta account that I used to demolish the game had VERY minimal beta advantage. As I had said, I did most of it after release. It was already a new account just prior to release. I had already deleted the other dozen or so accounts I had beaten the game with.

Things happen. I get your frustration. But do understand that this game only has room to grow. 

I still think it’s fine though. Keep chugging. If you really think betas had that much knowledge, then take my word when I say it gets easier. Progress is exponential. they don’t want players (us) to get bored.

You may think there’s a wall now. But…PvP. PvP still needs to be released. PvP systems typically have rewards.

We hit a wall in beta too. Early beta. It was too hard. Some got capped on island two! …but that was before we even had online missions. Imagine taking THAT out of the equation. So imagine…that there are features not yet released. PvP will make this game a whole lot better. And again, time will remedy your anger. You’ll get used to the game, and eventually you’ll see from our perspective. I’m sure of it.

Easy way to deal with this problem

Spend 1 key and 15 tickets and collect 3 fruits
Next day again Spend 1 key and 15 tickets and collect 3 fruits

Meanwhile in 24 hours keep trying collecting the trainers point
Now when u have 70-80 points
Add fruits to only monster who will under go ultra evolution and now spend points in one go.

Ps - is it fine to spend the points in one go??

How in the world are we supposed to get the 4 star monster and above without paying ?

I see no evidence or Evovle links or recipes that allows access to these powerful monsters :confused:

Peter - patience. This isn’t P2W. We all can do just fine, and get rare stuff easily as F2P. The past two island games aren’t a comparison. In DIB there was no online content!!! In HI it was split! Now, it is also split! The story mode involves no cooltimes. That story mode is the equivalent of all of DIB, the online mode is just an addition. 

The difficulty of the game, I reckon, is intended to make it not get boring too fast. For most of us, HunterIsland was done in about 3 days. Finished the game lightning fast, and then endgame content is sparse. Once a week, and minimal PvP. If it’s too hard, and people vocalize it in a constructive way, I’m sure they will address it. But this is new, give it some time. 

perfect - yes, points in one go is fine.

tigerslash - Ultra-evolution. all 3* egg monsters evolve into 4*s

And in the first 3 eggs F2P I summoned on my new account I got super epics. Yay luck. Though again, with mostly epics you can still do fine. I did.

I bet hunter island in 1 day which was way to easy with a 9.5 star at the start