Would someone be kind enough for a little advice?

So, the current situation:

I’m about to enter the tower at crescent island

I still have to fight the guards (I beat the first one already)

My starter (earth) is at level 77

I also have a Ventowyrm at level 71 (I got him from the arkadion egg at the start of the game XD)

Glazio at 67

Flamogun at 64

Frostknight at 51

Snowstag at 61 and 57 (benched)

Narlance 53 (benched)

Duskroc 52 (benched)

And the major problem… the rest are less than level 50.

See, I have some sort of dilemma, in which I can only train things of which I like aesthetically. The benched high levels are random caughts (originally only caught one Snowstag for the Arky, the other had guardian on when I caught something), and they’re not even high levels. Only Brakitorus and Ventowyrm do anything, and the rest are just there for cleaning off and failing horribly. If ever I need to win a hard fight (say, first ones), I’d just put Ventowyrm, Glazio and Brakitorus at the back, and use Vengeance, and then Last Stand when 2 of them die. This saved me from the Dahag fight (my original starter’s last stand), Vulcarex fight (Glazio’s last stand) and Esapid (ridiculous amounts of Ventowyrm vengeance). Now… I can’t do this anymore because of the sheer amount of monsters in a fight, because this only works against a really strong monster alone. 

There’s more to this dilemma. I also, for some reason, am unable to train more than three monsters at once. I originally trained Brakitorus/Ventowyrm/Frostknight (in their respective early forms), then Frostknight was replaced by Glazio, and Brakitorus was temporarily replaced by Flamogun for the extra training (the only time I trained more than three at once; 4). I lack a high-level Jabbit for the biteschool method (though I have a Jabbit), so, in what ways can I level quickly, and easily?

Also, who should I start using, just for the story? (I’m planning to get a Metallodius after endgame, and also start training my Jabbit for biteschool method) I have an S Volvoxon if that helps.

Thanks in advance ^-^

tl;dr - i only like aesthetically pleasing arkadions (though i like a lot of things), i need a good way to train, i'm already at crescent island, my only useful arkadions are glazio, brakitorus and ventowyrm, and i only need it for storyline, not endgame tyvm 


Lavaraptor, pearex, levi, and rexy are all very good, awesome-looking arkadions. They’re a bit hard to farm, but… yeah. :0

Eh, I tried Pearex in my last play through, didn’t really like it. I will try Lavaraptor, Levi and Rexy. I haven’t unlocked Plasmorex yet. Thanks to both of you~

Any good air arkadions out there? Also, is there an easy training method?

Edit: Didn’t get Rexy, but I have Vulcaraptor and Leviathan both at ~40 (trying to get them to 70), and surprisingly, at their low level they still own. I can’t do the Angelon quest though, for some reason. Any help on that?

Edit 2: I’m currently training in the first floor of the tower. Is there any good fusion (like Luxknight, Shadowlance, etc.) that I can get before the tower? I know Angelon is one so I’m currently training to fight Angelon. Is Nilomoth good? And, what are the wyrm quests that I need for some fusions?

Edit 3 because I’m very indecisive: What’s better, Nilomoth or Nilox alone?

You can still train on the biteschools, and it remains the fastest way to level even without the jabbit. Just go there and your things will level in no time.

Totally agree with starting on the plasmorex army now, because 1) farming the multiple skullrex will allow you to gain exp relatively quickly and 2) it will help you out later when you start the infinite dungeon/ missions. The biteschool method is great for levels, but farming for several skullrex will actually allow you to catch arkadions to better your team for the post game missions ( I would reccomend leveling your jabbit while hungting for the skullrex).

I’m at something like 12 plasmorex with 6 shadowlance (metal slasher) and 6 angelon (for haste and heals). Takes a while, but the payoff is worth it with your mission clear times and the free eggs you get in the infinite dungeon. Just make sure to catch only S ranked plasmos, so that no matter what skullrex you catch, the lowest rank your plasmorex can be is a B. The same goes for the shadowlances. The common piece you use should always be an S because they are easy to come by (you can run into the common shadowlance piece while hunting for skullrex).

Eh, doesn’t matter anymore, because I just realized the biteschools are in crescent island. I’m biteschooling right now.

Is Plasmorex really that good? And is Skullrex rare? Would Metallodius help in getting Skullrexes or is it unneeded? Sorry for asking so much questions :confused:

It’s unneeded, since you’ll generally face more than 3 arks when searching for skullrex anyways. You’ll have to kill some to check if it’s one of the ‘later’ arks.

Plasmorex is okay, but with the +40% boost to his stats from the ocarina you get, hes pretty much the best ark in the game that you can get multiples of with relative ease.

Thanks for all your help, guys, though I finally finished the game. (I think I overlevelled a bit, Tiamat and Deucalion seemed a bit easy)

I’m halfway through getting Omegawyrm, but I will keep the Plasmorex in mind when starting infinite dungeon.

Plasmorex is also helpful for each week’s OM, save for when there’s a holy dungeon…

GL on the omega.I got mine in like 2.5 hours,but I was insanely lucky.Do something while you look,and dont give up is the best advice I can give.