where to find Barricadus?

ive just beat that green boss at the end of the tower, now what? do i have to go to level 10 of the infinite dungeon?

ive just beat that green boss at the end of the tower, now what? do i have to go to level 10 of the infinite dungeon?

Not really. Just finish all the quests, one of it with thiefs(I think) is about Barry’s receipe. But you need to finish all previous quest about that to unlock the final one at the last town. Good luck!:slight_smile:

ive completed all the quests and i dont have anything :frowning:

Look in all of the towns, because the quest is a “chain” quest that starts at one town and ends at the tower of deau

i just did another rank test. still no quests in everytown. 

What rank test?
I think it is from the last island, if not check the snowyland

You’ll need to find Maldan first (which is southwest of Geat). Do all the quests, then go to Arborun, do those quests, and then go to some city in the desert (I THINK it’s Lassandal, but check other places), and keep going on until you reach Reijin.

i think ive finished the game. i beat that green guy titatan, and ive done all the quests and i just finished the last rank match. still no quests :( 

So you’ve been to Maldan, right? I can’t think of anything else.

I had the same problem. Finished all the quests, finished the game, went back to every town and dungeon but could never find the barri recipe. I gave up and bought it.

You guys know that Maldan isn’t part of the story and u might of skipped the city?

Pretty much you have to explore the caves and the area around Malden

That’s where you get all the pieces

If someone did a survey on people who didn’t read the forums and just played through the entire game without communication, I bet you about 80 to 90 percent of them will have no idea what Maldan is. Haha. then again, I think the story mentions it… once. <_< And there is a sidequest in Geat that mentions Maldan too. But I’m not sure who reads those.

I completely skipped it(sadly on my second run through) and was going crazy for some of the recipes.

ended up buying it haha wahh

Aww… :frowning: Sorry we couldn’t help you.

Lol I am the 10% :wink: