What mythic did you get from the anniversary egg with the guaranteed?

I got a 2nd xyz which doesn’t help me until I have 2 more so I’m kinda sad too. I am still 1 away with void, scorp, and Novem from awakening.

Got Deus X. Not sure what to think of him because he seems to be exclusively a PvP monster. I do like switch Enemy though. Was hoping for Void because I only need one more to awaken.

As for the mythic banner, I don’t understand why you guys are complaining again… First they brought back a guarantee banner! It has normal rules except you CAN pay a little to get a legend ticket and a free mythic at 50 per cent gem discount. So you are NOT behind any pay walls! It was a nice thank you from Devs for people who have supported the game. I didn’t even have to buy any new gems because it took into account the ones I had purchased previously. I was massively impressed by that.

Only if they increase earned gems hatch prices and start a regular paid gems banner it will be ‘scummy’…


That’s true. It’s fine they did it like this for the festival. But let’s see what the future holds. Nah…this will happen often.

I just feel like this is similar to last year how they used the gem step up deal to make us feel better about the lack of guarantees that were coming.

I give them credit for giving us a guaranteed mythic and a bunch of free gems. But, I feel like this is the beginning of a negative trend for the majority of us who do not spend or spend infrequently.

Just got Auraleus…not bad but i would like harleking or nagandia instead!!


Please at least it isn’t an Woogie boogie’s food. I forgot about harleking… it would’ve been amazing to get him…

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I know :sob::sob::sob: I’m waiting for the first person to post here that got Naga or Harley so we can all be jealous

Scorp :confused:

I would’ve killed for that.

Really? I thought it sucks?

I’m 1 away from awakening it. Would be useful in my link dark setup

Took a few years but i finally got pengbot and blue flutter lol


I’m happy to get Peng bot as well. It took me around a year and a half.

xyz dupe too

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Got deviladus. At least it’s limited… then I got xyz from rare lol. Meh overall

Got flowertail and reindra from the rare egg
Are they good?

Huskegon, then rolled rare and got Natu dupe which resulted to my first 7 star ticket

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Got Brynhildr. Not to shabby. Have yet to role on anything else. I’m paranoid that the Halloween egg might have some that I want/need

I got harley

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