What makes Novadrake so strong?

You mean like when I faced you and you won after your lemon endgame caught me off guard?

Its not always a success tho

You could say the same thing about Dolphin Bond back when it gave Unmovable and doubled attack and defense…

You have to believe in Novadrake for him to be strong @kuemmelsche

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Nova again? Really hahahahaha this is pure love

Make nova like how it was when it was released, everyone will be satisfied :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes that’s true believe in nova and he will even start one shot in uc till 400

@Dev_VKC ban him for BM

Is ur in game name king ragnar

No, his IGN was “Poison is Cheap”/“Poison Assassin” as far as I remember

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We’re not asking for nerfs, just shitting on it. There have already been multiple discussions on Novadrake.

Nah just like interference said he’s the guy.You can also sometimes see him in friend monsters summon where he use lemon as his friend mon

Time for me to make a what makes Lemon so strong topic.


Poison assassin

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If you ask me, lemon aint strong enough. Im gon need double dreamhunt to ignore hold ground and shields


@Dane now is the time to admit that you were actually just trolling us the whole time

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Nah his biasness is on a different level

I think the most likely possibility is that he was being serious up until a few hours ago when he got fed up with everyone trying to nerf his beloved Lemon so then he said to make double dreamhunt pierce to get on everyone’s nerves.
edit: I really hope I’m not wrong lol
