What is wrong with Storm type monsters?

I don’t know if it is just me but I got the impression that the damage of the Storm monsters is reduced compared to the other types. I mean, in Time Attack my Tygoron couldn’t one-shot with Faststrike a Sanctoise (unevolved 4 star Holy protector and stun absorber) and it had 20 sec. Same with Zeus, his blood move can’t one-shot any legendary that is 4.6 atk 4.6 def (i’m not even talking about Earth type). I’ve experienced this both in Time Attack and Game of Hordes so it shouldn’t be the buff of the enemy monsters. Tell me if you had the same impression or it is just me.

Raw bloodfury is weaker than normal. It barely kills in pvp, even leaving some alive.

I’ve had no issues. Did not forget that there’s a boost in time attack. And Zeus is not hard to get 2 kills with. He’s actually one of my best assets for time attack

There’s a buff in time attack. It comes in the later rounds. Also, bloodfury / raw bloodfury doesn’t do one-shot damage on everything after just one kill.