What is the worst mythic and how do we buff them?

With your logic, even strongest myth can get a buff

Suikenshi also need buff, because why not? He rarely one shot tanky monster :joy:.

Also sakuralisk also need buff ,why myth have aoe attack?

Bastia also need buff, because why myth have assisted Stone ? Passive should affect on enemy monster only

Onixia also weakest stun counter right :smirk:? Why we not give him double bloodfury too? Like soral

Azida dragon lotery should only summon myth dragon, why? Bcoz she is myth

Fermata skill must only affect on enemy , bcoz other myth like kanna only effect on enemy monster.


I don’t understand why this is not the case yet, Bastia and aetheron should only protect the team that uses them like dEUS X


He was joking…

Also @Victorious77_B.G I hope you see now that it’s maybe time to stop insisting?

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Vixenblade and Persephia are very different monsters. We also don’t know how strong Vixenblade is yet, but I think it’s S+ or S tier so it’s a dangerous argument to make that things should be buffed to be as strong as Vixenblade.

I’m missing any points you’re making here besides “I don’t think it would be too strong” and “I want my suggestion to happen”, neither of which convince anyone.

Persephia really doesn’t need a defence buff and has received multiple strong buffs already. She can take moves every 59TU and get a kill each time so would too rapidly become super tanky. Once charged, slash all + give turn will be ridiculous if the only way to stop her is piercing and killing anything else causes rocks to get in your way.

How much have you used your Persephia? Have you tried building around the rebirth much? Have you gone to slash all after 3 kills and enjoyed the piercing one-shot on all enemies? LemonSqueezy had great success with it.

I’m serious

Actually this should happen, she should only summon legendarys and myth, it’s dumb when I get a first for SE that is gonna be a deadweight the entire match
Also she’s so fcking weak, all myth with 100% or 1000% and she only got 50% with 4400 HP or so, anything can kill her, fck i’m gonna start getting ores in that acc just to boost her

Too bad she doesn’t also have a passive that gives her a shield each time she kills something… that would probably help make her decent


Actually I don’t get why ,someone use dragon Lottery in PVP. (Expect they troll or really desperate situation).

I am remember someone summon y draigh goch when I am running poison Fl or summon novadrake when I am not have single stun protection. And If somehow she get buff in future It would be stupid she summon 5 ydraigh goch with only rockoid :joy:.

I would prefer If the "summon " have same star like “the target” or just summon in last monster ?

Yeah I do usually to troll, but it’s an skill, should be useful as the others and it’s not

This is nice, could work

Guys, it’s called dragon “lottery” for a reason. Just roll the dice lmao

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Roll the dice and DIE, am I right!?

Lol I’m with the crowd saying dragon lottery could use a tweak, it’s too gimmicky as it is now.


there’s a lot of monsters that have 1 useless move like sakuras AoE, you don’t have to use it you know :joy:


I think the tweak should be it only summons final forms. The suggestions like how it should only summon mythics seem ridiculous to me



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It is not a sin to defend a character, especially if it is someone you like. Although I gave up after @killerdog 's lengthy explanation. Discussions about buff and debuff help me get to know the characters more. After debating about she, I now see she as much more useful. Please be patient, I am not an expert player and sometimes I can make inappropriate suggestions. I may defend my point but if it is impossible I will understand, as is the case with Persephia

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and zealous attack? That’s useless too at least for me

seen ton of people using it to 1 shot stuff

Only if is used in FL, but is not a viable skill, it won’t always one-shot and is 136 TU plus damage to u? Bruh

yup, better than killing ally and summoning plant dragon first form. I would put the useless tag to dragon lottery but not azidas zealous