What Are the Odds

I hope your Gorgo dies on its first move every time if you decide to do this


Lol I would only use Gorgodrake for DR I’m not much of a poison guy

Can you help me out with what AP monster I should run?

That payback revenge rock
Skeleviathan as a protector if u have it
Freezecobra too

What about purple FD and would those 4 be my FL?

He’s good but slow

Yes I did :grin::grin::grin:

Yep u too but me and Don were talking about someone else

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And I thought I got lucky with Gorgo. Bloody hell.

Do you mind not telling other people with a borderline unique monster to straight up copy my strat?

Let people be creative and don’t try to sound smart with other people’s ideas.


We also have such a lucky group of people, so envious


First evolove it to the second stage and then go through ‘awakening’ under ‘evolution and awaken’