What am I willing to pay for

Hey guys,

I finished all the storyline and side missions and what is remaining for me is live events and pvp…

Live events are kinda underwhelming and pvp is so slow for me beside that I don’t have a team good enough to build a nice strategy despite that my monsters are strong on their own and I am above level 100 so I get butchered easily…

I am f2w not because I am cheap it’s just I really enjoy the grinding of collecting gems and paying for them decreases my enjoyment massively…

I am willing to pay for new storyline or pay only events with exciting story and don’t care how much is that.

I hope I can’t find more people like me so it’s worth it for the devs to consider.


Sorry man we dont do these kind of things around here.

But you can cash your money on our latest mythics and grind the packs to awaken it


Your suggestion makes a lot of sense and for that reason it’s not gonna happen.